Обсуждение:Старынкевич, Сократ Иванович

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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The article seems to state that Starynkiewicz's monument in Warsaw was the only one "уцелевший" (survivor) of all the Russian monuments at the period of the Second Republic. This makes an impression that its survival was somehow accidental. That is not true: while other monuments have been deliberately lifted, Starynkiewicz's one was deliberately retained, because Starynkiewicz, however he was a Russian nationalist and an official of the occupant, was also a good administrator and president, and, unlike other Russians at the time and place, was open-minded enough to stay friendly towards Poles. These two things (being a good president and being friendly) were appreciated so that his monument was not going to be removed (until Germans destroyed it during the WW2). Also, eventhough the remains of the monument are not accessible now (as the article states), there is a Starynkiewicz's square in Warsaw, named so after him. This is another "monument" that has also been deliberately retained after WW1 (and is not going to be removed), for the same reasons. 16:41, 25 марта 2015 (UTC)[ответить]