Обсуждение:Институт Вальтера Ойкена

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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I offer to your attention the principles of the Russian economic school[править код]

Dear Sirs! Labor is the basic source for forming and satisfying demands of man, collective groups and society, therefore, stability and existence without any conflicts as well as development of the economic system both of an employee and State and society in the whole depend on proper organization of labor forms and methods as well as on its payment. The existing economic concepts due to widely-used methodologies do not allow to do it. In accordance with it there rises the question: what to do and where to go? The answer is quite simple: we need innovative methodology. I am offering you the material concerning methodological problems of cost forming, social and economic modeling in economics on the basis of matrix systematization of various given characteristics, elements and qualities. The aim of my offer is to restart theoretical discussion. I have been working at this problem for a long time, and I consider the Russian economic school as the basis of the methodology of Orthodox Christianity.. The founder of this direction is Russian people who created their own mentality in the aspect of national traditions, customs, arts, culture, lifestyle etc. Three monographs and some scientific works were published both in central and local issues. It should be noticed that the material has a high innovative level both in methodology of systems organization and in scientific terms, categorical apparatus and in the way the author sees economic processes, their static and dynamics. It is innovation that is the cause of the author’s working “into the table”, but we would like to have a working process with practical use. We believe that this concept is especially actual while forming interstate property together with private and state property. The method of trinity together with monistic and dialectic methods should be used here. In this work we open up some questions concerning micro-macro-mezoeconomics organization in the matrix of a great variety of proprietors taking part in the process. I am asking you to present you point of view to this research direction, your objections or some debate directions. Questions of realization of the Russian economic school methodology in interpretations, terms etc. of modern economic schools, concepts, directions of economic theory are presented in this work. The methodological basis of the Russian economic school is the fundamental principle of world religions as well as Orthodox Christianity that is the method of trinity. We present hereby the organization methodology of micro-macro-mezoeconomics that is private, collective, state and interstate or public forms of property. Matrix methodology of systematization of economic characteristics, elements, properties allows to tie all proprietors taking part in the process with the help of mathematical methods. The basis of the Russian economic school (its method has been formed for a long period of the Russian state) is the idea of Saint Trinity. Common interpretation of this methodological fact allowed the author to create a new form of methodological basis of systems organization in the whole as well as economic systems organization in part. The initial moment of economic calculations process are the very forms and methods which are in the basis of cost determination of goods, services etc. The main index in cost determination is wealth. So we must find out how different economic schools determine this index and what factors influence it. - Classical school (Marxism, for instance), using materialistic dialectics as a methodological origin, assumes material values and physical labor as a factor of wealth forming. - Marginalism, using existential dialectics, forms the cost according to some factors – labor (physical and mental), land, capital, business. - Russian economic school, using the method of trinity, forms the cost index as a matrix which consists of a great variety of characteristics, elements, properties taking part in the process of calculation and realization of all proprietors’ needs who participate in a concrete economic process. And if other concepts have been studied enough the Russian economic school is still in the shadow. For many economists the methods of trinity is unknown, as for some decades it has been hidden not only from the world audience but also from its founder – Russian people. Though theological concept of trinity is an up-going process, in the scientific world it is not used due to materialistic dialectics, Marxism. The method of the Russian economic school allows to form not only an innovative system of economic calculations which harmonizes economic processes of all proprietors taking part in them, but also to calculate the standard of price of a monetary unit for a person’s level – interstate or public. Nowadays, this index is being formed accidentally using market mechanism without any theoretical or methodological foundation. And it is quite comprehensible as they use the method of existential dialectics which does not allow to see economic calculations of the above said character. This material has a high enough innovative level although it is based on the well-known conceptual and theological view on Orthodox Christianity that is why there must be a new approach. The author hereby opens a competition for potential investors, publishers and sponsors as well as for all those whose aim is to develop science, especially economic theory which has not had regular discussions since last century. Only some scientists have enough courage to begin such a discussion. That is why this book has a perspective value for world’s philosophy and mankind’s thought.

Author V.M.Chefonov


Chefonov Vladimir Mikhailovich, tel.: 8 (3955) 564 027, 89027648638, address: 665835 Irkuts region, town of Angarsk-35, p/b 1900, university e-mail: afsga@mail.ru, private e-mail: chefonov53@rambler.ru


    In this work we present the questions of realization of methodology of the Russian Economic School in interpretation, terms of modern economic schools, concepts, directions of economic theory.
    The basis of the Russian Economic School is one of the main principles in the world’s religions and specifically in Orthodox Christianity that is the method of trinity.
    We present methodology of organization of micro-macro-mezo economy process, that is private, collective as well as state and international forms of property. With the help of mathematical methods, matrix methodology of systematization of economic characteristics, elements, features allows to tie all the persons of property taking part in the process.


    The fundamentals of the formation of the economic indicators value terms are made up of the definition of the economic notion “wealth”. Owing to this, let’s observe the influence of different economic schools on standard of price formation as a quantitative term of such a character as value in monetary units. Nowadays, money determines national methods of calculation of the above-mentioned notions, as well as accounting organization in a definite state. In this artice the three main methodologies – classic, masrginalism, Russian school – are presented.


    In the article we present how methodological differences of economic schools influence te concrete quantitative characteristics of the same economic figures. We have analyzed this process from the point of view of the Russian economic school.
    We have also analyzed how the interpretation of these schools influences formation of the concept “wealth” and as a result – quantitative and qualitative definiteness of the concept “value”, standard of price, monetary unit. The value given in standard units of national currencies demonstrates the level of taxes levying as well as allocation and re-allocation of taxes in the golden section proportion – 68/32.
    Using of the Russian economic school method let the author analyze methodological differences from the arbitration point of view.

SYNOPSIS OF THE ARTICLE «Subject, method and the economy tendency.»

    The necessity of inculcation of book-keeping organization, calculations of new of qualitatively new interpretations, methodological principles of the basis of the trinity method that is methodological principles of the Russian economic school is being analyzed in this article.
    The work structure has four parts: in the first one we present general characteristics of the subject, method and tendency; in the others we give the characteristics of the concrete economic factors.
    The innovative character of the article demands from the reader to have a new point of view, break stereotypes and patterns, common interpretations, and this, in its turn, makes difficult to understand the material.

SYNOPSIS OF THE ARTICLE ”Influence of rate of labour and its payment measures on reproducibility functions stability of economic process in accordance with the rules of the Russian economic school”

    The basis of an employee’s income in the economic system is the rate of labour, or the measure of labour. Stability of the mechanism formation process while labour payment (income) calculations of an employee has quantitative changes from occasional motivation to spontaneous determinant and then to goal-directed organization as the economic process and its organization forms are always becoming more complicated. Reproducibility process dynamic and as well as it subject, method and tendency of calculation methodic demand objectivity of rules, regularities, laws of their system organization. The concept, or the theory of such a system must always change according to the laws of social and historical precess.

SYNOPSIS OF THE ARTICLE «Money, their being and dynamics of the organisation.»

Here we present interpretations of the notion “money” by different economic schools from the point of view of the Russian economic school, from the point of view of the trinity method beginning from the idealistic principles. At present, money reflects the level of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the triple point of the productive power of joint social labour in its trinity. Money has its value terms, that is why its qualitative and quantitative filling and other economic figures depend on the determination of the notion “value” which, in its turn, expresses quality and quantity of the notion “wealth”. Social and historical analysis shows that both classical and marginalist approach to money organization does not allow to calculate this figure purposely because of occasional and spontaneous character of economic calculations methodological principles. 03:11, 13 сентября 2010 (UTC)[ответить]