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Фильтры правок (обсуждение) — это автоматизированный механизм проверок правок участников.
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02:52, 10 марта 2014: 99 «Кусок текста» (обсуждение) на странице Russia, меры: нет (просмотреть)

Изменения, сделанные в правке

* [[Наша Russia]] — российский комедийный телесериал.
* [[Наша Russia]] — российский комедийный телесериал.
* [[Руша (Огайо)]] ({{lang-en|Russia}}) — деревня в штате Огайо.
* [[Руша (Огайо)]] ({{lang-en|Russia}}) — деревня в штате Огайо.
Russia (from Greek Ρωσία — Russia [11]; officially Russian Federation or Russia [To 5], in practice is used also reduction of the Russian Federation [To 6]) — the state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The population for the beginning of 2013 makes 143 million people, the territory — 17 098 246 km ² [3]. Wins first place in the world on territories and the ninth place on population.

The capital — Moscow. State language — Russian.
The mixed republic of the federal device. In May, 2012 the post of the president was held by Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister — Dmitry Medvedev.
According to the Constitution as a part of the Russian Federation there are 83 subjects, 46 from which are called as areas, 21 — the republics, 9 — edges, 2 — the cities of federal value, 4 — autonomous areas and 1 — the autonomous region.
Russia borders on eighteen countries (the biggest indicator in the world), including two partially recognized, from them by land on the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia [12], Georgia [12], South Ossetia [12], Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, by sea with Japan and the USA.
Differs considerable ethnocultural diversity. The most part of believers (about 75% of the population [13]) professes Orthodoxy that does Russia by the country with the most numerous orthodox population in the world.
According to the World bank, gross domestic product volume on PPS for 2012 made $3,381 trillion ($23,549 for the person). Monetary unit — Russian ruble (an average course for 2011 — 29,4 rubles for 1 US dollar [14]).
After collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991 the Russian Federation was recognized by the international community as the state assignee of CCCP[15] and took its place in the UN Security Council [16]. Russia consists in a number of the international organizations — the UN, the CIS, EurAsEC, TsAS, ODKB, SCO, APEC, BRICS and others.
Name origin
For the first time the term "Russia" (Greek Ρωσία, Russia) meets in compositions of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Bagryanorodny "About ceremonies" and "About management of the empire" as the Greek name of Russia [17]. Subsequently the term "Russia" (in old spelling of Ross_ya or Ross_a) was assigned to Northeast Russia which wasn't a part of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was united by the Moscow principality in the uniform state. As the ellinizirovanny name of Russia it used at the time of Ivan III, and the word "Russia" got the official status after Ivan's IV wedding on a kingdom in 1547 when the state began to be called as the Russian kingdom [18]. In Western Europe in relation to Russia in the XVI—XVII centuries in parallel with latinizirovanny Greek Russia the Polish-Lithuanian term "Moskovia" was applied.
At Peter I in 1721 the Russian Empire was proclaimed. Russia was declared by the republic on September 1, 1917 though actually I became it on March 3, 1917 as a result of February revolution. Since January 10, 1918 — RSFSR. On December 30, 1922 RSFSR was a part of the USSR formed in this day which adopted a number of functions of the largest republic (so, at RSFSR till 1990, unlike other republics, there was no the Communist Party, some ministries, etc., and also the anthem).
On June 12, 1990 the I Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR adopted the declaration on the state sovereignty of RSFSR, however already in the draft constitution approved by the Constitutional commission of RSFSR for a working basis on October 12, 1990, it was supposed to call the state the Russian Federation. On December 7 — 8, 1991 in Bialowieza Forest there took place a meeting of heads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus where the termination of existence of the USSR was testified and is declared formation of the CIS. After that on December 25, 1991 RSFSR was renamed into the Russian Federation (Russia); this name was fixed by the VI Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation in April, 1992 [19] and confirmed come into force on December 25, 1993 with the current constitution of the Russian Federation [20].
According to statements of the State Duma the Russian state, the Russian republic, RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation — the same participant of the interstate relations, the same subject of international law which wasn't stopping the existence. [23] ]
The Russian Federation is, along with other former republics, the assignee of the USSR, and the USSR — the state predecessor of the Russian Federation. In turn the USSR in volume of partially recognized international obligations is the assignee of the Russian Republic which proclaimed the Act of Provisional government on September 1, 1917 and has existed till November 7 (on October 25), 1917. And, at last, the Russian Republic was the right successor of the Russian Empire. On a consensus of the participating states of the CIS it was decided to consider the Russian Federation as the state successor of the USSR with all that it implies: transition to the Russian Federation places of the permanent member of the UN Security Council, recognition beyond the Russian Federation of the status of the nuclear power on sense of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. The Russian Federation also is the right successor of those international obligations of the Russian Empire and the Russian republic who were recognized by the USSR, and also within those obligations of the Russian Empire which Russia agreed to assume in a voluntary order [24][25].
According to the newest data of the archeology [26], the most ancient traces of dwelling of the person in the territory of Russia belong to doshellsky time (3 — 2 million years ago) and are found in Siberia, in the North Caucasus and in Prikubanye. In particular, parking Athletes and Springs on Tamani age of 1,5 million years [27]. Parking of the following stage, shellsky are found in Voronezh [28], the Kaluga [29], Tula, Volgograd areas [30] (730 — 350 thousand years ago). About 150 thousand years ago acheulian cultures were replaced by the mustyersky. Parking of this type are widespread by the European part of Russia. Throughout the specified cultures the physical type of the person — arhantrops, paleoantrops (including the types of Neanderthal men) which were replaced by the person of modern type neoantrop was replaced also.
In Russia there is a parking most ancient in the world neoantrops — Kostyonki (Markina the mountain) in the Voronezh region (50 thousand years ago). [31] ] Being settled, neoantrops created the first archaeological culture — kostyonkovsko-streletsky culture (50 — 30 thousand years ago, parking: Markina mountain [32], 44 — 34 thousand years BC, Voronezh region; Елисеевичи [33], 35 — 25 millennium BC, Bryansk region; Sungir's [34], 28 — 20 millennium BC, Vladimir region, etc.) . Her genetic successor is the kostyonkovsko-avdeevsky culture, dosushchestvovavshy till a mesolitas era. Parking belong to this culture: Gagarino [35], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Lipetsk region; Zaraysk [36], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Moscow region; Avdeevo [37], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Kursk region; Yudinovo, 14 — 13 millennium BC, Bryansk region, etc. Anthropological type of the person — Caucasians.
On the Black Sea coast in the VI—V centuries BC there were Greek colonies of which the states were formed later: Scythian kingdom, Bosporsky kingdom. In 552 — 745 years the part of the territory of Russia was occupied by the state of the breeding union turkuts — the Turkic khaganate. In the middle of the VII—X centuries in Lower Volga Area, in the North Caucasus, in Priazovye the state the Hazaria khaganate settled down. At the beginning of the VIII century the South of modern Primorsky Krai was a part of the state of Bohai.
Translation[Ru>En: http://www.translate.ru/

== См. также ==
== См. также ==

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[ 0 => '*' ]
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[ 0 => '', 1 => 'Addbot', 2 => 'APTEM', 3 => 'РобоСтася', 4 => '', 5 => 'MerlIwBot', 6 => 'Κελεός', 7 => 'Saint Johann', 8 => '', 9 => '' ]
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Вики-текст старой страницы до правки (old_wikitext)
''''Russia''' ({{lang-ru|[[Россия]]}}) — термин, имеющий несколько значений: * [[Russia (фильм)]] — фильм [[Муратова, Кира|Киры Муратовой]]. * [[Наша Russia]] — российский комедийный телесериал. * [[Руша (Огайо)]] ({{lang-en|Russia}}) — деревня в штате Огайо. == См. также == * [[Россия (значения)]] {{неоднозначность}}'
Вики-текст новой страницы после правки (new_wikitext)
''''Russia''' ({{lang-ru|[[Россия]]}}) — термин, имеющий несколько значений: * [[Russia (фильм)]] — фильм [[Муратова, Кира|Киры Муратовой]]. * [[Наша Russia]] — российский комедийный телесериал. * [[Руша (Огайо)]] ({{lang-en|Russia}}) — деревня в штате Огайо. Russia (from Greek Ρωσία — Russia [11]; officially Russian Federation or Russia [To 5], in practice is used also reduction of the Russian Federation [To 6]) — the state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The population for the beginning of 2013 makes 143 million people, the territory — 17 098 246 km ² [3]. Wins first place in the world on territories and the ninth place on population. The capital — Moscow. State language — Russian. The mixed republic of the federal device. In May, 2012 the post of the president was held by Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister — Dmitry Medvedev. According to the Constitution as a part of the Russian Federation there are 83 subjects, 46 from which are called as areas, 21 — the republics, 9 — edges, 2 — the cities of federal value, 4 — autonomous areas and 1 — the autonomous region. Russia borders on eighteen countries (the biggest indicator in the world), including two partially recognized, from them by land on the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia [12], Georgia [12], South Ossetia [12], Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, by sea with Japan and the USA. Differs considerable ethnocultural diversity. The most part of believers (about 75% of the population [13]) professes Orthodoxy that does Russia by the country with the most numerous orthodox population in the world. According to the World bank, gross domestic product volume on PPS for 2012 made $3,381 trillion ($23,549 for the person). Monetary unit — Russian ruble (an average course for 2011 — 29,4 rubles for 1 US dollar [14]). After collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991 the Russian Federation was recognized by the international community as the state assignee of CCCP[15] and took its place in the UN Security Council [16]. Russia consists in a number of the international organizations — the UN, the CIS, EurAsEC, TsAS, ODKB, SCO, APEC, BRICS and others. Name origin For the first time the term "Russia" (Greek Ρωσία, Russia) meets in compositions of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Bagryanorodny "About ceremonies" and "About management of the empire" as the Greek name of Russia [17]. Subsequently the term "Russia" (in old spelling of Ross_ya or Ross_a) was assigned to Northeast Russia which wasn't a part of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was united by the Moscow principality in the uniform state. As the ellinizirovanny name of Russia it used at the time of Ivan III, and the word "Russia" got the official status after Ivan's IV wedding on a kingdom in 1547 when the state began to be called as the Russian kingdom [18]. In Western Europe in relation to Russia in the XVI—XVII centuries in parallel with latinizirovanny Greek Russia the Polish-Lithuanian term "Moskovia" was applied. At Peter I in 1721 the Russian Empire was proclaimed. Russia was declared by the republic on September 1, 1917 though actually I became it on March 3, 1917 as a result of February revolution. Since January 10, 1918 — RSFSR. On December 30, 1922 RSFSR was a part of the USSR formed in this day which adopted a number of functions of the largest republic (so, at RSFSR till 1990, unlike other republics, there was no the Communist Party, some ministries, etc., and also the anthem). On June 12, 1990 the I Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR adopted the declaration on the state sovereignty of RSFSR, however already in the draft constitution approved by the Constitutional commission of RSFSR for a working basis on October 12, 1990, it was supposed to call the state the Russian Federation. On December 7 — 8, 1991 in Bialowieza Forest there took place a meeting of heads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus where the termination of existence of the USSR was testified and is declared formation of the CIS. After that on December 25, 1991 RSFSR was renamed into the Russian Federation (Russia); this name was fixed by the VI Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation in April, 1992 [19] and confirmed come into force on December 25, 1993 with the current constitution of the Russian Federation [20]. History. According to statements of the State Duma the Russian state, the Russian republic, RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation — the same participant of the interstate relations, the same subject of international law which wasn't stopping the existence. [23] ] The Russian Federation is, along with other former republics, the assignee of the USSR, and the USSR — the state predecessor of the Russian Federation. In turn the USSR in volume of partially recognized international obligations is the assignee of the Russian Republic which proclaimed the Act of Provisional government on September 1, 1917 and has existed till November 7 (on October 25), 1917. And, at last, the Russian Republic was the right successor of the Russian Empire. On a consensus of the participating states of the CIS it was decided to consider the Russian Federation as the state successor of the USSR with all that it implies: transition to the Russian Federation places of the permanent member of the UN Security Council, recognition beyond the Russian Federation of the status of the nuclear power on sense of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. The Russian Federation also is the right successor of those international obligations of the Russian Empire and the Russian republic who were recognized by the USSR, and also within those obligations of the Russian Empire which Russia agreed to assume in a voluntary order [24][25]. Background. According to the newest data of the archeology [26], the most ancient traces of dwelling of the person in the territory of Russia belong to doshellsky time (3 — 2 million years ago) and are found in Siberia, in the North Caucasus and in Prikubanye. In particular, parking Athletes and Springs on Tamani age of 1,5 million years [27]. Parking of the following stage, shellsky are found in Voronezh [28], the Kaluga [29], Tula, Volgograd areas [30] (730 — 350 thousand years ago). About 150 thousand years ago acheulian cultures were replaced by the mustyersky. Parking of this type are widespread by the European part of Russia. Throughout the specified cultures the physical type of the person — arhantrops, paleoantrops (including the types of Neanderthal men) which were replaced by the person of modern type neoantrop was replaced also. In Russia there is a parking most ancient in the world neoantrops — Kostyonki (Markina the mountain) in the Voronezh region (50 thousand years ago). [31] ] Being settled, neoantrops created the first archaeological culture — kostyonkovsko-streletsky culture (50 — 30 thousand years ago, parking: Markina mountain [32], 44 — 34 thousand years BC, Voronezh region; Елисеевичи [33], 35 — 25 millennium BC, Bryansk region; Sungir's [34], 28 — 20 millennium BC, Vladimir region, etc.) . Her genetic successor is the kostyonkovsko-avdeevsky culture, dosushchestvovavshy till a mesolitas era. Parking belong to this culture: Gagarino [35], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Lipetsk region; Zaraysk [36], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Moscow region; Avdeevo [37], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Kursk region; Yudinovo, 14 — 13 millennium BC, Bryansk region, etc. Anthropological type of the person — Caucasians. On the Black Sea coast in the VI—V centuries BC there were Greek colonies of which the states were formed later: Scythian kingdom, Bosporsky kingdom. In 552 — 745 years the part of the territory of Russia was occupied by the state of the breeding union turkuts — the Turkic khaganate. In the middle of the VII—X centuries in Lower Volga Area, in the North Caucasus, in Priazovye the state the Hazaria khaganate settled down. At the beginning of the VIII century the South of modern Primorsky Krai was a part of the state of Bohai. Source:http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F Translation[Ru>En: http://www.translate.ru/ == См. также == * [[Россия (значения)]] {{неоднозначность}}'
Унифицированная разница изменений правки (edit_diff)
'@@ -2,7 +2,27 @@ * [[Russia (фильм)]] — фильм [[Муратова, Кира|Киры Муратовой]]. * [[Наша Russia]] — российский комедийный телесериал. * [[Руша (Огайо)]] ({{lang-en|Russia}}) — деревня в штате Огайо. - +Russia (from Greek Ρωσία — Russia [11]; officially Russian Federation or Russia [To 5], in practice is used also reduction of the Russian Federation [To 6]) — the state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The population for the beginning of 2013 makes 143 million people, the territory — 17 098 246 km ² [3]. Wins first place in the world on territories and the ninth place on population. +The capital — Moscow. State language — Russian. +The mixed republic of the federal device. In May, 2012 the post of the president was held by Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister — Dmitry Medvedev. +According to the Constitution as a part of the Russian Federation there are 83 subjects, 46 from which are called as areas, 21 — the republics, 9 — edges, 2 — the cities of federal value, 4 — autonomous areas and 1 — the autonomous region. +Russia borders on eighteen countries (the biggest indicator in the world), including two partially recognized, from them by land on the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia [12], Georgia [12], South Ossetia [12], Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, by sea with Japan and the USA. +Differs considerable ethnocultural diversity. The most part of believers (about 75% of the population [13]) professes Orthodoxy that does Russia by the country with the most numerous orthodox population in the world. +According to the World bank, gross domestic product volume on PPS for 2012 made $3,381 trillion ($23,549 for the person). Monetary unit — Russian ruble (an average course for 2011 — 29,4 rubles for 1 US dollar [14]). +After collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991 the Russian Federation was recognized by the international community as the state assignee of CCCP[15] and took its place in the UN Security Council [16]. Russia consists in a number of the international organizations — the UN, the CIS, EurAsEC, TsAS, ODKB, SCO, APEC, BRICS and others. +Name origin +For the first time the term "Russia" (Greek Ρωσία, Russia) meets in compositions of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Bagryanorodny "About ceremonies" and "About management of the empire" as the Greek name of Russia [17]. Subsequently the term "Russia" (in old spelling of Ross_ya or Ross_a) was assigned to Northeast Russia which wasn't a part of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was united by the Moscow principality in the uniform state. As the ellinizirovanny name of Russia it used at the time of Ivan III, and the word "Russia" got the official status after Ivan's IV wedding on a kingdom in 1547 when the state began to be called as the Russian kingdom [18]. In Western Europe in relation to Russia in the XVI—XVII centuries in parallel with latinizirovanny Greek Russia the Polish-Lithuanian term "Moskovia" was applied. +At Peter I in 1721 the Russian Empire was proclaimed. Russia was declared by the republic on September 1, 1917 though actually I became it on March 3, 1917 as a result of February revolution. Since January 10, 1918 — RSFSR. On December 30, 1922 RSFSR was a part of the USSR formed in this day which adopted a number of functions of the largest republic (so, at RSFSR till 1990, unlike other republics, there was no the Communist Party, some ministries, etc., and also the anthem). +On June 12, 1990 the I Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR adopted the declaration on the state sovereignty of RSFSR, however already in the draft constitution approved by the Constitutional commission of RSFSR for a working basis on October 12, 1990, it was supposed to call the state the Russian Federation. On December 7 — 8, 1991 in Bialowieza Forest there took place a meeting of heads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus where the termination of existence of the USSR was testified and is declared formation of the CIS. After that on December 25, 1991 RSFSR was renamed into the Russian Federation (Russia); this name was fixed by the VI Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation in April, 1992 [19] and confirmed come into force on December 25, 1993 with the current constitution of the Russian Federation [20]. +History. +According to statements of the State Duma the Russian state, the Russian republic, RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation — the same participant of the interstate relations, the same subject of international law which wasn't stopping the existence. [23] ] +The Russian Federation is, along with other former republics, the assignee of the USSR, and the USSR — the state predecessor of the Russian Federation. In turn the USSR in volume of partially recognized international obligations is the assignee of the Russian Republic which proclaimed the Act of Provisional government on September 1, 1917 and has existed till November 7 (on October 25), 1917. And, at last, the Russian Republic was the right successor of the Russian Empire. On a consensus of the participating states of the CIS it was decided to consider the Russian Federation as the state successor of the USSR with all that it implies: transition to the Russian Federation places of the permanent member of the UN Security Council, recognition beyond the Russian Federation of the status of the nuclear power on sense of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. The Russian Federation also is the right successor of those international obligations of the Russian Empire and the Russian republic who were recognized by the USSR, and also within those obligations of the Russian Empire which Russia agreed to assume in a voluntary order [24][25]. +Background. +According to the newest data of the archeology [26], the most ancient traces of dwelling of the person in the territory of Russia belong to doshellsky time (3 — 2 million years ago) and are found in Siberia, in the North Caucasus and in Prikubanye. In particular, parking Athletes and Springs on Tamani age of 1,5 million years [27]. Parking of the following stage, shellsky are found in Voronezh [28], the Kaluga [29], Tula, Volgograd areas [30] (730 — 350 thousand years ago). About 150 thousand years ago acheulian cultures were replaced by the mustyersky. Parking of this type are widespread by the European part of Russia. Throughout the specified cultures the physical type of the person — arhantrops, paleoantrops (including the types of Neanderthal men) which were replaced by the person of modern type neoantrop was replaced also. +In Russia there is a parking most ancient in the world neoantrops — Kostyonki (Markina the mountain) in the Voronezh region (50 thousand years ago). [31] ] Being settled, neoantrops created the first archaeological culture — kostyonkovsko-streletsky culture (50 — 30 thousand years ago, parking: Markina mountain [32], 44 — 34 thousand years BC, Voronezh region; Елисеевичи [33], 35 — 25 millennium BC, Bryansk region; Sungir's [34], 28 — 20 millennium BC, Vladimir region, etc.) . Her genetic successor is the kostyonkovsko-avdeevsky culture, dosushchestvovavshy till a mesolitas era. Parking belong to this culture: Gagarino [35], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Lipetsk region; Zaraysk [36], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Moscow region; Avdeevo [37], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Kursk region; Yudinovo, 14 — 13 millennium BC, Bryansk region, etc. Anthropological type of the person — Caucasians. +On the Black Sea coast in the VI—V centuries BC there were Greek colonies of which the states were formed later: Scythian kingdom, Bosporsky kingdom. In 552 — 745 years the part of the territory of Russia was occupied by the state of the breeding union turkuts — the Turkic khaganate. In the middle of the VII—X centuries in Lower Volga Area, in the North Caucasus, in Priazovye the state the Hazaria khaganate settled down. At the beginning of the VIII century the South of modern Primorsky Krai was a part of the state of Bohai. +Source:http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F +Translation[Ru>En: http://www.translate.ru/ == См. также == * [[Россия (значения)]] '
Новый размер страницы (new_size)
Старый размер страницы (old_size)
Изменение размера в правке (edit_delta)
Добавленные в правке строки (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Russia (from Greek Ρωσία — Russia [11]; officially Russian Federation or Russia [To 5], in practice is used also reduction of the Russian Federation [To 6]) — the state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. The population for the beginning of 2013 makes 143 million people, the territory — 17 098 246 km ² [3]. Wins first place in the world on territories and the ninth place on population.', 1 => 'The capital — Moscow. State language — Russian.', 2 => 'The mixed republic of the federal device. In May, 2012 the post of the president was held by Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister — Dmitry Medvedev. ', 3 => 'According to the Constitution as a part of the Russian Federation there are 83 subjects, 46 from which are called as areas, 21 — the republics, 9 — edges, 2 — the cities of federal value, 4 — autonomous areas and 1 — the autonomous region.', 4 => 'Russia borders on eighteen countries (the biggest indicator in the world), including two partially recognized, from them by land on the following states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia [12], Georgia [12], South Ossetia [12], Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, by sea with Japan and the USA.', 5 => 'Differs considerable ethnocultural diversity. The most part of believers (about 75% of the population [13]) professes Orthodoxy that does Russia by the country with the most numerous orthodox population in the world.', 6 => 'According to the World bank, gross domestic product volume on PPS for 2012 made $3,381 trillion ($23,549 for the person). Monetary unit — Russian ruble (an average course for 2011 — 29,4 rubles for 1 US dollar [14]).', 7 => 'After collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991 the Russian Federation was recognized by the international community as the state assignee of CCCP[15] and took its place in the UN Security Council [16]. Russia consists in a number of the international organizations — the UN, the CIS, EurAsEC, TsAS, ODKB, SCO, APEC, BRICS and others.', 8 => 'Name origin', 9 => 'For the first time the term "Russia" (Greek Ρωσία, Russia) meets in compositions of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Bagryanorodny "About ceremonies" and "About management of the empire" as the Greek name of Russia [17]. Subsequently the term "Russia" (in old spelling of Ross_ya or Ross_a) was assigned to Northeast Russia which wasn't a part of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania and was united by the Moscow principality in the uniform state. As the ellinizirovanny name of Russia it used at the time of Ivan III, and the word "Russia" got the official status after Ivan's IV wedding on a kingdom in 1547 when the state began to be called as the Russian kingdom [18]. In Western Europe in relation to Russia in the XVI—XVII centuries in parallel with latinizirovanny Greek Russia the Polish-Lithuanian term "Moskovia" was applied.', 10 => 'At Peter I in 1721 the Russian Empire was proclaimed. Russia was declared by the republic on September 1, 1917 though actually I became it on March 3, 1917 as a result of February revolution. Since January 10, 1918 — RSFSR. On December 30, 1922 RSFSR was a part of the USSR formed in this day which adopted a number of functions of the largest republic (so, at RSFSR till 1990, unlike other republics, there was no the Communist Party, some ministries, etc., and also the anthem).', 11 => 'On June 12, 1990 the I Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR adopted the declaration on the state sovereignty of RSFSR, however already in the draft constitution approved by the Constitutional commission of RSFSR for a working basis on October 12, 1990, it was supposed to call the state the Russian Federation. On December 7 — 8, 1991 in Bialowieza Forest there took place a meeting of heads of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus where the termination of existence of the USSR was testified and is declared formation of the CIS. After that on December 25, 1991 RSFSR was renamed into the Russian Federation (Russia); this name was fixed by the VI Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation in April, 1992 [19] and confirmed come into force on December 25, 1993 with the current constitution of the Russian Federation [20].', 12 => 'History.', 13 => 'According to statements of the State Duma the Russian state, the Russian republic, RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation — the same participant of the interstate relations, the same subject of international law which wasn't stopping the existence. [23] ]', 14 => 'The Russian Federation is, along with other former republics, the assignee of the USSR, and the USSR — the state predecessor of the Russian Federation. In turn the USSR in volume of partially recognized international obligations is the assignee of the Russian Republic which proclaimed the Act of Provisional government on September 1, 1917 and has existed till November 7 (on October 25), 1917. And, at last, the Russian Republic was the right successor of the Russian Empire. On a consensus of the participating states of the CIS it was decided to consider the Russian Federation as the state successor of the USSR with all that it implies: transition to the Russian Federation places of the permanent member of the UN Security Council, recognition beyond the Russian Federation of the status of the nuclear power on sense of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. The Russian Federation also is the right successor of those international obligations of the Russian Empire and the Russian republic who were recognized by the USSR, and also within those obligations of the Russian Empire which Russia agreed to assume in a voluntary order [24][25].', 15 => 'Background.', 16 => 'According to the newest data of the archeology [26], the most ancient traces of dwelling of the person in the territory of Russia belong to doshellsky time (3 — 2 million years ago) and are found in Siberia, in the North Caucasus and in Prikubanye. In particular, parking Athletes and Springs on Tamani age of 1,5 million years [27]. Parking of the following stage, shellsky are found in Voronezh [28], the Kaluga [29], Tula, Volgograd areas [30] (730 — 350 thousand years ago). About 150 thousand years ago acheulian cultures were replaced by the mustyersky. Parking of this type are widespread by the European part of Russia. Throughout the specified cultures the physical type of the person — arhantrops, paleoantrops (including the types of Neanderthal men) which were replaced by the person of modern type neoantrop was replaced also.', 17 => 'In Russia there is a parking most ancient in the world neoantrops — Kostyonki (Markina the mountain) in the Voronezh region (50 thousand years ago). [31] ] Being settled, neoantrops created the first archaeological culture — kostyonkovsko-streletsky culture (50 — 30 thousand years ago, parking: Markina mountain [32], 44 — 34 thousand years BC, Voronezh region; Елисеевичи [33], 35 — 25 millennium BC, Bryansk region; Sungir's [34], 28 — 20 millennium BC, Vladimir region, etc.) . Her genetic successor is the kostyonkovsko-avdeevsky culture, dosushchestvovavshy till a mesolitas era. Parking belong to this culture: Gagarino [35], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Lipetsk region; Zaraysk [36], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Moscow region; Avdeevo [37], 22 — 21 millennium BC, Kursk region; Yudinovo, 14 — 13 millennium BC, Bryansk region, etc. Anthropological type of the person — Caucasians.', 18 => 'On the Black Sea coast in the VI—V centuries BC there were Greek colonies of which the states were formed later: Scythian kingdom, Bosporsky kingdom. In 552 — 745 years the part of the territory of Russia was occupied by the state of the breeding union turkuts — the Turkic khaganate. In the middle of the VII—X centuries in Lower Volga Area, in the North Caucasus, in Priazovye the state the Hazaria khaganate settled down. At the beginning of the VIII century the South of modern Primorsky Krai was a part of the state of Bohai.', 19 => 'Source:http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F', 20 => 'Translation[Ru>En: http://www.translate.ru/' ]
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