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'{{Государственный деятель | титул = [[Президенты Аргентины|Президент Аргентины]] | русское имя = Кристина Элизабет Фернандес де Киршнер | оригинальное имя = {{lang-es|Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner}} | порядок = 55 | портрет = Cristina fernandez de kirchner cropped 2007-04-25.JPG | флаг = Flag of Argentina.svg | периодначало = [[10 декабря]] [[2007]] | периодконец = | коронация = | предшественник = [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестор Киршнер]] | преемник = | титул_2 = | порядок_2 = | флаг_2 = | периодначало_2 = | периодконец_2 = | предшественник_2 = | преемник_2 = | дата рождения = 19.2.1953 | место рождения = {{Флаг|Аргентина||20px}} [[Ла-Плата (город)|Ла-Плата]], [[Аргентина]] | дата смерти = | место смерти = | национальность = | вероисповедание = | партия = [[Фронт Победы (Аргентина)|Фронт Победы]] | супруг = [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестор Киршнер]] | отец = | мать = |дети = }} '''Кристина Элизабет Фернандес де Киршнер''' ({{lang-es|Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner}}<ref>[http://www.perfil.com/contenidos/2007/07/22/noticia_0002.html ¿Simplemente Cristina?] Jorge Lanata, Perfil, 22 de julio de 2007 {{ref-es}}</ref>; (р. [[19 февраля]] [[1953]], [[Ла-Плата (город)|Ла-Плата]], провинция Буэнос-Айрес, [[Аргентина]]) — 55-й [[президенты Аргентины|президент Аргентины]] (с [[10 декабря]] [[2007]]). Сменила на этом посту своего супруга [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестора Киршнера]]. Стала второй женщиной — президентом Аргентины (после [[Мартинес де Перон, Исабель|Исабель Перон]]) и первой женщиной, ставшей президентом в результате выборов. На всеобщих выборах 2007 года Фернандес была [[кандидат]]ом от правящей партии Фронт Победы. Она выиграла выборы с 45 % голосов и с отрывом в 20 % от следующего кандидата. Это один из самых больших разрывов с [[1983 год]]а, когда в Аргентине было установлено гражданское правление и начали проходить свободные выборы. ==Частная жизнь== Кристина родилась в городке Рингелет, провинция Буэнос-Айрес, родители - Эдуардо Фернандес, испанского происхождения, и Офелия Эстер Вильгельм - немецкого. Училась на юридическом факультете в Национальном университете Ла Платы в 1970 годы . В течении обучения она встретила будущего мужа [[Нестор Киршнер|Нестора Киршнера]]. Они поженились 9 марта 1975 года, у них двоое детей: Максимо и Флоренсия.<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |url= http://web.archive.org/web/20071228053233rn_1/kirchner.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC |title= Senadora Nacional Cristina E. Fernández De Kirchner |publisher= República Argentina |accessdate= 2008-09-08}}</ref> Флоренсия получила международную аттестацию в 2008 году когда она начала работать в [[Fotolog]].<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1700434,00.html |title= There's Something About the President's Daughter |publisher= ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' |accessdate= 2008-11-04}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/dec/30/argentina.socialnetworking |title= Wild child's exposure on web upsets presidential parents |publisher= ''[[The Guardian]]'' |accessdate= 2008-11-04 | location=London | date=December 29, 2007}}</ref><ref>{{it icon}} {{cite web |url= http://web20.excite.it/news/6863/La-vita-in-Rete-della-17enne-figlia-del-Presidente |title= La vita in Rete della 17enne figlia del Presidente |publisher= Excite |accessdate= 2008-11-04}}</ref> ==Политическая карьера== Критина начала свою политическую карьеру в перонистской [[Хустисиалистская партия|Хустисиалистской партии]] в 1970 годы. В течении Процесса национальной реорганизации , она и Нестор Киршнер были вне политики и занимались юридической практикой в [[Рио-Гальегос]]е. Она продолжила политическую карьеру в 1980е годы, и была избрана от провинции [[Санта-Крус]] в 1989 году, В 1993 переизбрана. В 1995 году Кристина Киршнер была избрана от провинции Санта-Крус в [[Сенат Аргентины]]. Она также была избрана в Палату Депутатов в 1997, и 2001 годах, вернулась в Сенат. К. Фернандес поддержала мужа в его успешной избирательной компании завершившейся в 2003 избранием его президентом. 27 апреля 2003, Соперником его был бывший президент [[Карлос Менем]] и два социалистических кандидата, Н. Киршнер набрал (25%), и прошел во второй тур. Во втором туре выборов победил [[Нестор Киршнер]] 18 мая. После поражения в выборах Карлос Менем признал Киршнера новым президентом, хотя он набрал 22% голосов .<ref name="Husband Victory">{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''La Nación'' |date= April 28, 2003 |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/archivo/Nota.asp?nota_id=492225 |title= Menem y Kirchner disputarán la segunda vuelta el 18 de mayo}}</ref> В течении президентского срока мужа Кристина принимала участие в политической жизни страны. Она произносила речи на политических собраниях, что напоминало[[Ева Перон|Еву Перон]]. Хотя она в дальнейшем отвергала такие сравнения, однажды К. Фернандес признала в интервью, что идентифицирует себя с образом Эвиты как общественной деятельницы. <ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 27 July 2007 |url= http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/07/27/elpais/p-00803.htm |title= 'Me identifico con la Eva del puño crispado'}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |author= Rory Carroll and Oliver Balch |publisher= Guardian Unlimited |date= 26 October 2007 |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/argentina/story/0,,2199434,00.html |title= President in waiting evokes echo of Evita | location=London | accessdate=March 26, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |author= James Sturcke |publisher= ''Guardian Unlimited'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/argentina/story/0,,2201278,00.html |title= The art of the possible | location=London | accessdate=March 26, 2010}}</ref> Кристина Фернандес была основным кандидатом от партии Фронт Победы в провинции Буэнос-Айрес, на выборах 2005 года , она проводила компанию против [[Хильда Дуальдо|Хильды Гонслес Дуальдо]], жены президента [[Эдуардо Дуальде]]. Киршнер победила на выборах получив 25% голосов избирателей. ==Выдвижение в президенты Аргентины== [[Image:Cristina Fernandez at 2007 Presidential elections.jpg|thumb|left|Кристина участвует в президентских выборах со своим мужем Нестором]] Кристина была лидером в выборах на пост президента, ее выдвижение прогнозировали. Она получила 45% голосов , в то время как у ближайшего соперника было 10% голосов избирателей. Кристина победила на выборах получив 45.3% голосов, а у соперницы было 22% [[Elisa Carrió]] (кандидатки от Гражданского движения) и 16% голосов у министра экономики [[Roberto Lavagna]]. Одинадцать других кандидатов вместе набрали 15%.<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/10/29/um/m-01529064.htm |title= Crisistina se aleja por más de 20 puntos sobre el final del escrutinio}}</ref> Киршнер был популярена среди рабочих, ее также поддержал средний класс.<ref>{{cite news |publisher= ''Time'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1677374,00.html |title= A Mixed Message in Argentina's Vote}}</ref> Of note, Kirchner lost the election in the three largest cities ([[Buenos Aires]], [[Córdoba, Argentina|Córdoba]] and [[Rosario, Santa Fe|Rosario]]), although she won in most other places elsewhere, including the large provincial capitals such as [[Mendoza, Argentina|Mendoza]] and [[San Miguel de Tucumán|Tucumán]].<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |publisher= ''Página/12'' |date= 1 November 2007 |url= http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-93883-2007-11-01.html |title= Alpargatas sí, centros urbanos no}}</ref> Выиграв президентские выборы 10 декабря 2007, она бросила вызов инфляции и высоким ценам, поддерживала частные инвестиции, помогала с кредитами (exemplified by the controversy surrounding the [[National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina|national statistics bureau]], INDEC), utility companies demanding authorization to raise their fees, low availability of cheap credit to the private sector, and the upcoming negotiation of the defaulted foreign debt with the [[Paris Club]].<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |publisher= ''Página/12'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/economia/2-93706-2007-10-29.html |title= Los desafíos en el área económica que esperan al próximo gobierno}}</ref><ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 28 October 2007 |url= http://www.ieco.clarin.com/notas/2007/10/28/01528927.html |title= Empresarios contentos por la continuidad del modelo K}}</ref><ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''La Nación'' |date= 24 May 2007 |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/archivo/Nota.asp?nota_id=911256 |title= Prevén que el desempleo se ubicará en el 8% a fin de año}}</ref> ==Кабинет министров== [[Image:Ministros de Cristina.jpg|thumb|250px|Президент на заседании кабинета министров.]] 14 ноября , президент обьявила о формировании нового кабинета министров, который был сформирован 10 декабря. Были назначены 12 министров, семь из которых были в правительстве Нестора Киршнера, .<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/11/14/um/m-01540433.htm El nuevo Gabinete: Lousteau va a Economía y De Vido sigue en Planificación Federal (Spanish)]</ref> Two other ministerial posts were created afterwards. {| class="toccolours" style="float: auto; font-size:90%; width:530px; background:F5F5F5;" !style="background:lavender;" colspan="3"|<div style="float:left;">&nbsp;[[Image:Presidential Standard of Argentina.svg|35px|border|The Presidential Standard of Argentina]]</div><span style="color: black;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:100%">Chief of Cabinet and Ministers<br> of Cristina Kirchner's Government</span> |- style="font-weight:bold;" |width="40%"|Office |Name |width="33%"|Term |- !style="background:#000000;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers|Chief of the<br> Cabinet of Ministers]] | [[Alberto Fernández]]<br>[[Sergio Massa]]<br>'''[[Aníbal Fernández]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 23, 2008<br>Jul. 24, 2008 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#DCDCDC;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Interior | '''[[Florencio Randazzo]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship|Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <br>International Trade and Worship]] | '''[[Jorge Taiana]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Ministry of Defense (Argentina)|Ministry of Defense]] | '''[[Nilda Garré]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Minister of Economy of Argentina|Ministry of Economy]] | [[Martín Lousteau]]<br />[[Carlos Rafael Fernández|Carlos Fernández]]<br>'''[[Amado Boudou]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Apr. 24, 2008<br />Apr. 25, 2008 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Federal Planning, <br>Public Investment and Services | '''[[Julio de Vido]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Justice, <br>Security and Human Rights | [[Aníbal Fernández]]<br>'''[[Julio Alak]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Work,<br> Labour and Social Security | '''[[Carlos Tomada]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Health and Environment | [[Graciela Ocaña]]<br>'''[[Juan Luis Manzur]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jun. 30, 2009<br>Jul. 1, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Social Development |''' [[Alicia Kirchner de Mercado]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Education | [[Juan Carlos Tedesco]]<br>'''[[Alberto Sileoni]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 20, 2009<br>Jul. 20, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Science, <br>Technology and Productive Innovation | '''[[Lino Barañao]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Industry and Tourism | '''[[Débora Giorgi]]''' | Nov. 26, 2008 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- |Ministry of Agriculture | '''[[Julián Domínguez]]''' | Oct. 1, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |} ==Президентство== [[File:Cristina Fernandez y gobernadores.jpg|thumb|left|260px|Президент Киршнер встречает губернаторов Аргентины.]] ===2007=== В течени первых дней на посту президента, Кристина Киршнер наладила хорошие отношения с США, как результат США помог Аргентине в юридической компании contributions, case known as the [[maletinazo]] (suitcase scandal). В соответствии с договоренностями, Венесуэла прислала своего представителя ([[Guido Antonini Wilson]]) который с $790,550 прибыл 4 августа в аэропорт Буэнос-Айреса. U.S. prosecutors allege the money was sent to help Kirchner's presidential campaign. Some of the allegations were proven and several individuals received a prison sentence after a widely reported trial. Киршнер и Венесуэльский президент Уго Чавес провели переговоры "a trashing operation" и часть которых заключалось в том чтобы США помогло народам Латинской Америки. .<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=972344|title= Cristina y Chávez, juntos contra EE.UU |publisher= ''La Nación'' |accessdate= 2007-12-19}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=anPqjcENNtWo |title= Argentina Protests Charges, Restricts U.S. Ambassador |publisher= Bloomberg |accessdate= 2007-12-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.economist.com/world/la/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10438525|title= Argentina, Venezuela and America. Slush and garbage|publisher= The Economist |accessdate= 2008-01-03}}</ref> 31 ягнвря на встрече с Киршнер, посол США в Аргентине, [[Earl Anthony Wayne]], сказал ей о том что "никогда не сделает правительство США," и разговор был закончен. Он рассказал о том что включает часть независимой юридической помощи правительства США<ref>{{cite web |url= http://spanish.argentina.usembassy.gov/rel244.html |title= Declaración del Eembajador de EE.UU., Earl Anthony Wayne, luego de reunirse con la Presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner|publisher= U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina |language=Spanish|accessdate= 2008-04-01}}</ref> [[Элиза Карилло]] И [[Мария Эстенсоро]], члены оппозиционных партий, критиковали правительство Аргентины за договоренности с США , а также о коррупции в правительстве Аргентины и политику в отношении Венесуэлы.<ref>{{cite web |publisher= ''TIME'' |date= 20 December 2007 |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1697490,00.html |title= Troubles for Argentina's New Evita}}</ref> ===2008=== [[File:Cristina Kirchner Zapatero.jpg|thumb|left|с испанским премьер-министром[[Хосе Луис Родригес Сапатеро]]]] [[File:Cristina y Lula 2.jpg|thumb|right|Кристина и президент Бпазилии[[Лула да Силва]]]] После кризиса в экономике в 2001-02 годах, Киршнеры были за то чтобы усилить влияние Конгресса на экономику, после выборов 2007 года (было избрано 153 когрессмена и 44 сенатора). В марте 2008, Киршнер ввела новые экспортные пошлины, эффективно увеличившие поступления в казну и несмотря на это экспорт увеличился от 35% до 44% после обнародования указа президента.<ref>{{cite web|title= Argentine Soybean Output May Slip; Protests May Pause|publisher=Bloomberg|date=9 March 2008|url= http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aXApGun1Lmpw}}</ref> В 2008 году фермеры были недовольны политикой правительства. Они организовали 25 марта забастовку на главной площади Буэнос_Айреса [[Plaza de la República (Buenos Aires)|Buenos Aires Obelisk]] а также на [[Casa Rosada|presidential palace]]. Акции протеста прошли по всей стране. В Буэнос-Айресе дом Киршнер окружили фермеры и две недели держали ее дом в оцеплении, дело доходило до насилия с обоих сторон, в ситуацию вмешивалась полиция.<ref>{{cite web|title=La policía observó, pero no intervino|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=27 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=999067&origen=relacionadas}}</ref> Правительство критиковали лидеры оппозиции [[Luis D'Elía]], правительство участвовало в инциндентах, журналисты и члены других партий обсуждали происходящее в стране (notably [[Elisa Carrió]]), были протесты против арестов проводимых полицией.<ref>{{cite web|title=Cacería para ganar la Plaza. Fueron golpeados manifestantes que apoyaban el reclamo del campo|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=26 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=998778&origen=relacionadas}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=El verdadero mensaje de las cacerolas|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=27 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/EdicionImpresa/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=999018&pid=4186310&toi=5825}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Argentina's Fernández Plays With Fire|publisher=''The Guardian''|date=1 April 2008|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/feedarticle?id=7425706 | location=London}}</ref> On April 1, the government organised a rally during which thousands of pro-government protesters marched through downtown Buenos Aires in support of the bill increasing Argentina's export taxes on the basis of a sliding scale; at the event, Kirchner called on farmers to act "as part of a country, not as owners of a country."<ref>{{cite web|title=In Argentina, thousands rally in support of president|publisher=''Los Angeles Times''|date=2 April 2008|url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-farmers2apr02,1,5792792.story}}</ref> [[Image:Cristinayhugo jpg.jpg|thumb|left|С Венесуэльским президентом [[Уго Чавес|Уго Чевесом]]]] В апреле 2008 на 26 годовщине войны на Фолклендских островах ,Киршнер выступила с заявлением вернуть Фолклендские острова. Она заявила о правах Аргентины на острова. Находясь в преобладании в Аргентинском конгрессе партия Фронт Победы не могла гарантировать legislative blank check: 16 июля 2008, президентский билль был провален, и также высказался против Вице-Президент [[Julio Cobos]].План партии поддержали только лишь 16 когрессменов и 4 сенатора. Это положило конец борьбе правительства с фермерами, хотя Кобос согласился о поддержке фермеров правительством. He was reportedly cosidered "a traitor" by the followers of Kirchner's administration. Кобос отказался несмотря на родственные связи между Президентом и Вице-президентом.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2008/07/16/um/m-01716277.htm ''Clarín'': Crisis política tras el sorpresivo voto del Vicepresidente Cobos {{es icon}}]</ref> A poll result published in ''[[El País]]'', [[Spain]]'s most widely circulated daily newspaper, revealed that following the protests, Fernández's approval rating had "plummeted" from 57.8% at the start of her administration<ref>{{cite web |publisher= Angus Reid |date= 31 December 2007 |url= http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/view/positive_rating_for_argentinas_cristina_kirchner/ |title= Positive Rating for Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner}}</ref> to an unprecedented 23%.<ref>{{cite web|title=La popularidad de la presidenta argentina se hunde en tres meses|publisher=''El País''|date=9 April 2008|url=http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/popularidad/presidenta/argentina/hunde/meses/elpepiint/20080409elpepiint_7/Tes}}</ref> Once recovered from the conflict with agrarian interests, Cristina Kirchner's public approval improved; her job approval ratings rose by 30% (''Poliarquía'', 08/22/08). Her inflexible handling of the protests and reluctance to review the policies that sparked the protest have led to speculation that it is her husband, predecessor in office and current leader of the [[Justicialist Party]], [[Néstor Kirchner]], who controls her administration. The British weekly newspaper ''[[The Economist]]'' has described this situation as Kirchner "paying the price for her husbands pig-headedness",<ref>{{cite web|title=Cristina in the land of make believe|publisher=''The Economist''|date=1 May 2008|url=http://www.economist.com/world/la/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11293743}}</ref> and as of February 2009, her job approval rating was 28%.<ref>[http://colombiareports.com/colombian-news/news/2636-uribe-lula-and-correa-most-popular-presidents.html ''Colombia Reports'']</ref> On October 20, 2008, Fernández proposed the transfer of nearly US$30 billion in private pension holdings to the social security system,<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gONWznbxy5XOpz__VTrlSvVdgRogD93V5BG80 Argentina seeks to nationalize private pensions]</ref> a law that was passed by [[Congress of Argentina|Congress]] in late November.<ref>{{cite web| accessdate = November 29, 2008|title= Argentina Senate passes pension nationalisation law|publisher=The Peninsula|date= November 22, 2008|url= http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=World_News&subsection=Americas&month=November2008&file=World_News200811228342.xml}}</ref> President Cristina Kirchner is a member of the [[Council of Women World Leaders]], an international network of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to mobilize the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of critical importance to women and equitable development. [[File:Cristina.kirchner.india.2009.jpg|thumb|left|Cristina visiting India]] Fernández was invited to the prestigious Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy in [[Washington, D.C.]], on November 15, 2008, by President [[George W. Bush]]. During her stay in Washington, she held meetings with [[Brazil]]ian leader [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva]] (at the [[Four Seasons Hotel]] in [[Georgetown, Washington, D.C.|Georgetown]]), [[Madeleine Albright]] (representing U.S. President-elect [[Barack Obama]]), Senator [[Christopher Dodd]] and [[Australia]]'s Prime Minister, [[Kevin Rudd]] at the [[Park Hyatt]] Hotel. She then attended the G20 meeting in London April 2, 2009 and was given a seat of honour at the dinner held the night before at 10 Downing Street, when she was seated across from President Obama.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/02/g20-seating-plan ''The Guardian'']</ref> Cristina Kirchner has travelled extensively as president, visiting Algeria, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, France, Libya, Mexico, Qatar, Russia, Spain, the UK, the U.S. and Venezuela, among other nations. ===2009=== [[File:Cristina, Benedicto y Michelle.jpg|thumb|right|Cristina with [[Michelle Bachelet]] and [[Pope Benedict XVI]] conmemorating Argentina and Chile friendship]] Following the [[Argentine legislative election, 2009|June 28, 2009, mid-term elections]], the ruling [[Front for Victory|FPV]]'s [[Party-list voting|party list]] lost its absolute majority in both houses of Congress, shedding a further 24 seats in the Lower House (including allies) and 4 in the Senate. They lost in the four most important electoral districts (home to 60% of Argentines), and among these, the loss was narrow only in the [[Province of Buenos Aires]]. The FPV obtained a very narrow victory, overall, as a percentage of the national vote, and retained their plurality in Congress.<ref>[http://www.elecciones.gov.ar/paginas/if_top.htm Elecciones.gov.ar]</ref> This will be reflected in strengthened opposition alliances, notably the center-right [[Republican Proposal|Unión Pro]], the center-left [[Civic Coalition]] and the left-wing Proyecto Sur, when elected candidates in both chambers take office on December 11, 2009.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/06/28/conexiones/inicio_info.html ''Clarín'': Infografía]</ref> Allegations of impropriety have contributed increasingly to the Kirchners' decline in approval, as well. The couple's own, latest federal financial disclosure in July 2009 revealed an increase in their personal assets by 7 times, since Néstor Kirchner's 2003 inaugural. The increase was partly the product of land deals in [[El Calafate]], a scenic, [[Santa Cruz Province (Argentina)|Santa Cruz Province]] town where the couple has long vacationed and own property (including 450 acres of land and two hotels).<ref>[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/07/14/internacional/1247578095.html ''El Mundo'']</ref> On October 17, 2009, President [[Cristina Kirchner]] proposed the compulsory submission of [[DNA]] samples in cases related to [[crimes against humanity]], in a move lauded by the [[Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo]], but excoriated by opposition figures as a political move against [[Clarín (newspaper)|Clarín Media Group]] Chairperson [[Ernestina Herrera de Noble]], who is in litigation over her suspected adoption of two children of the "[[Desaparecidos|disappeared]]," and whose hitherto cordial relations with [[Kirchnerism]] had recently soured.<ref>[http://www.elpais.com.uy/091019/pinter-448877/mundo/polemica-por-ley-de-adn-en-argentina ''El País'' {{es icon}}]</ref> Similar motives are alleged by the opposition against the president's Media Law, which would restrict the number of media licences per proprietor and allocate a greater share of these to state and [[NGO]]s, thereby limiting the influence of ''Clarín'' and the conservative ''[[La Nación (Buenos Aires)|La Nación]]''.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml BBC News en Español]</ref> The president's proposed enactment of mandatory [[primary election]]s for all of Argentina's myriad political parties, and for every elected post, was likewise rejected by opposition figures, who charged that these reforms could stymy minor parties and the formation of new ones.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/10/28/um/m-02028876.htm ''Clarín'': Los principales puntos (10/28/2009) {{es icon}}]</ref><ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/10/28/um/m-02028917.htm ''Clarín'': Fuerte rechazo de la oposición {{es icon}}]</ref> [[File:Cristina Fernandez y Hu Jintao.jpg|thumb|left|Cristina with President of China [[Hu Jintao]] ]] Following charges of embezzlement filed by a local attorney, Enrique Piragini, on October 29, Federal Judge Norberto Oyarbide ordered an accounting expert to investigate the origin of the Kirchners’ wealth. Public records show that since their arrival to power in 2003, the declared assets of Cristina and Nestor Kirchner have increased by 572%. A preliminary report on the investigation by the Argentine Anti Corruption Office (OA) established that the official figures provided by the Kirchners "don't stack up".<ref>{{cite web|title=Avanza la causa por la fortuna de los Kirchner|publisher=La Nación|date=9 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1197064}}</ref> The investigation was suspended by Judge Oyarbide on December 30, though a week later, Piragini appealed the ruling.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/06/elpais/p-02114196.htm ''Clarín'': Intentan reabrir la investigación {{es icon}}]</ref> On 29 October 2009 Cristina launched an universal child benefit plan ( {{lang-es|Asignacion Universal por Hijo}} ) as a way to fight poverty with the goal to reach approximately five million children and youths <ref>[http://www.whiteband.org/blog/archive/2009/10/30/universal-child-allowance-announced-in-argentina Universal Child Allowance announced in Argentina]</ref>. ===2010=== [[File:Cristina Fernandez y Obama.jpg|thumb|Cristina Fernández and [[Barack Obama]]]] The year began with controversy surrounding the president's order that a US$6.7 billion escrow account be opened at the [[Central Bank of Argentina|Central Bank]] for the purpose of retiring high-interest bonds, whose principal is tied to inflation. The move met with the opposition of Central Bank President [[Martín Redrado]], who refused to implement it, and following an impasse, he was dismissed by presidential decree on January 7, 2010.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/07/um/m-02115418.htm ''Clarín'' (1/7/2010) {{es}}]</ref> Redrado refused to abide by the initial decree removing him from the presidency of the Central Bank, however, and petitioned for a judicial power to keep him in office. Accordingly, the president enacted another decree for his dismissal, citing "mis-conduct" on Redrado's part. The legitimacy of this new decree was questioned as well, as his dismissal would deny Redrado [[due process]]. Congress was at a [[Recess (break)|recess period]] at the time, but most of its opposition members considered returning to override the decrees through an extraordinary session.<ref name=nacion10>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1219375&pid=8049798&toi=6255 ''La Nación'' (1/7/2010) {{es}}]</ref> The session became a source of controversy as well: Kirchner considered that, according to the 63rd article of the Constitution, only the President may call for an extraordinary session while the Congress is in recess. Cobos replied instead that all regulations concerning decrees require the immediate advise and consent of Congress, that the body's by-laws (56 and 57) allow extraordinary sessions called by any member, and that the commission formed for that purpose functions all at all times, even during recess.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/11/elpais/p-02117474.htm ''Clarín'': Autoconvocatoria legislativa {{es}}]</ref> The planned use of [[foreign exchange reserve]]s through a [[Necessity and Urgency Decree]] was itself questioned by several opposition figures, who argued that such a decree may not meet a threshold of "necessity" and "urgency" required by the [[Constitution of Argentina]] for its enactment.<ref name=nacion10/> Judge [[María José Sarmiento]] handed down a ruling preventing said use of reserves, and the Government reacted by appealing the ruling.<ref>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1219741 ''La Nación'': La Casa Rosada confirma que apelará el fallo que frena el uso de reservas {{es}}]</ref> President Kirchner defended the policy as a cost saving maneuver, whereby [[government bond]]s paying out 15 percent interest would be retired from the market.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/08/um/m-02115979.htm ''Clarín'': Cristina volvió a defender el uso de las reservas {{es}}]</ref> The move, however, also provided numerous [[vulture fund]]s ([[Holdout problem|holdout]]s from the 2005 debt restructuring who had resorted to the courts in a bid for higher returns on their defaulted bonds) a legal argument against the central bank's autarky, and thus facilitated a judgement lien on January 12 against a central bank account in New York.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/12/um/m-02118566.htm ''Clarín'': Embargaron fondos del Central en EE.UU. {{es}}]</ref> [[File:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Hillary Clinton - Casa Rosada - 2010.jpg|thumb|left|[[Hillary Clinton]] with Cristina in Buenos Aires, March 2010]] Judge Sarmiento also annulled the decree that removed Redrado and reinstated him as President of the Central Bank the following day. The ruling also refuted claims of mis-conduct cited by President Cristina Kirchner to justify his removal.<ref>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1219722 ''La Nación'': Redrado volvió al Banco Central {{es}}]</ref> International media described the attempted removal of Redrado as authoritarian, while criticizing the planned use of reserves for debt retirement, as well as accelerating spending growth, as fiscally irresponsible. Opposition Congresswoman [[Elisa Carrió]], a likely candidate in the upcoming 2011 presidential campaign, has raised the possibility of [[impeachment]] procedures against Mrs. Kirchner.<ref>[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/01/10/opinion/21794622.html ''El Mundo'' {{es}}] {{es icon}}</ref><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/01/07/business/AP-LT-Argentina-Central-Bank.html ''New York Times'': Argentine President Fires Central Bank Chief]</ref><ref>[http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article/2010/01/09/l-argentine-plonge-dans-une-crise-institutionnelle_1289587_3222.html ''Le Monde'': L'Argentine plonge dans une crise institutionnelle {{fr}}]</ref> Cristina Fernandez and her husband Nestor were in January 2010 reported to the Judiciary because of "illicit gain". It was reported that their personal fortune grew surprisingly too much from the period of 2007 to 2008. This incident came on the heels of the issues with the Central Bank and Martin Redrado. [[File:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Dmitry Medvedev - Casa Rosada 2010.jpg|thumb|right|Cristina with President of Russia [[Dmitry Medvedev]] on April 2010]] At the start of the month of February 2010, one of Cristina's private asessors resigned his post due to the claims of "illicit gain". Just two weeks afterwards, another of Cristina's private asesors, Julio Daniel Álvarez, resigned for the same reason.<ref>http://www.elmundo.es/america/2010/02/16/argentina/1266342290.html</ref> On February 22, 2010, British oil explorer [[Desire Petroleum]], started drilling exploration wells some 60 miles north of the disputed Falkland/Malvinas Islands, despite strong opposition from Argentina which took the issue to the Latin America and Caribbean Presidents summit where it received unanimous support <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8531052.stm Summit backs Argentine claim to Falkland Islands]</ref>. According to geological surveys carried out in 1998, there could be 60 billion barrels of oil in the area around the islands <ref>[http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iEuLqDZuMtnHy8fCgGeHIAo5cemgD9E1KFJG2 UK oil exploration firm starts Falklands drilling.Raphael G. Satter. February 22, 2010]</ref> but the 2010 drill carried out poor results. <ref>[http://sify.com/news/oil-exploration-off-falklands-turns-up-poor-quality-crude-news-international-kd4okhegihg.html Oil exploration off Falklands turns up poor quality crude]</ref> After Desire's share price plummeting as a result the company announced further work could begin later this year.<ref>[http://www.thefuelcardpeople.co.uk/fuelnews/19733230/Business%20fuel%20card/Fuel%20card%20news:%20Falklands%20set%20for%20further%20oil%20drilling ]</ref> On March 2010 received the visit of Secretary of State [[Hillary Clinton]] which give great support to the way Cristina's administration was managing the foreign debt issue <ref>[http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/03/137539.htm ''Argentina’s debt-to-GDP ratio is a lower percentage now than the United States debt-to-GDP ratio. So however Argentina is doing it, it’s working'']</ref> and emphasize the relation between the two countries<ref>[http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/03/137539.htm ''Where we agree is so much greater than where we disagree'']</ref> something which was not reported by local major news media <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtSqw-QKAwQ Carlos Escude about Cristina's Foreign Policy]</ref> On April 2010 received in Buenos Aires Chile's new president [[Sebastian Piñera]] on his first foriegn tour abroad who reaffirmed the current strong ties between the two countries <ref>[http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hMFI356GjmO1Ml_PTNYqCJGy8AKgD9EV4LRG0 ''The best of our bilateral relationship is ahead of us."]</ref>. Cristina Fernandez then assisted to the [[Nuclear Security Summit]] at Washington DC, after which meet with President [[Barack Obama]] who thanked Argentina’s role in international stabilization and earthquake relief efforts in Haiti <ref>[http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/president-obamas-bilateral-meeting-with-president-cristina-fernandez-de-kirchner-ar President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina]</ref>. Back to Buenos Aires, she received the visit of the President of [[Russia]] [[Dmitry Medvedev]] the first in country's history and two days later the Prime Minister of Vietnam [[Nguyễn Tấn Dũng]] <ref>[http://www.infobae.com/politica/511524-0-0-La-Presidente-firmo-acuerdo-energetico-primer-ministro-Vietnam La Presidente firmó acuerdo energético con primer ministro de Vietnam]</ref>. On April 19, Cristina was invited to the bicentenary of the independence of Venezuela where she was the main speaker to the National Assembly <ref> [http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2010/abril/mar20/Venezuela.html]</ref> and signed 25 trade agreements related to food, technology and energy with Hugo Chavez <ref>[http://www.poder360.com/dailynews_detail.php?blurbid=6939]</ref> ==Relationship with the media== Fernández and her husband have always had a tempestuous relationship with the national media particullary [[Grupo Clarín]] which is owner of video cable networks, multiple TV Channels, radios, the main newspaper and through most of a decade before 2010 the monopoly of the Argentine football, a so-called opinion-former. By 2010 was obvious for independent sources that the traditionally major news media were in a direct fight with the government and often reporting misleading Information <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtSqw-QKAwQ]</ref> In April 2008, Kirchner received a stern public rebuke from the Argentine Journalistic Entities Association ([[Spanish language|Spanish]]: ''Asociación de Entidades Periodísticas Argentinas'', or ADEPA) for having publicly accused the popular cartoonist [[Hermenegildo Sábat]] of behaving like a "quasi mafioso".<ref>{{cite web|title=Libertad de prensa y democracia |publisher=Clarin|date=4 April 2006|url=http://www.clarin.com/diario/2008/04/04/opinion/o-01643113.htm}}</ref> In addition, a government proposal to create a watchdog to monitor racism and discrimination was received with suspicion by ADEPA, who called it a "covert attempt to control the media".<ref>{{cite web|title=Cuestionamiento de las entidades periodísticas|publisher=La Nacion|date=8 April 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=1002431}}</ref> Nestor Kirchner, Cristina's husband and predecessor in office, received a similar rebuke for publicly and falsely denouncing [[Joaquín Morales Solá]], a journalist critical of the government, for having produced an inflammatory text published in 1978.<ref>{{cite web|title=ADEPA pide prudencia al presidente de la Nación|publisher=ADEPA|date=2 October 2006|url=http://www.adepa.org.ar/libertaddeprensa/dcl-02-10-06.asp}}</ref> On September 11, 2009, she advanced the decriminalization of injurious calumny against public officials, a charge which had, in 2000, resulted in a prison term of one year for Eduardo Kimel, a journalist investigating the [[San Patricio Church massacre]] of 1976.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/09/12/elpais/p-01997100.htm ''Clarín'': Cristina envió un proyecto para despenalizar calumnias e injurias {{es icon}}]</ref> She drew fire from a highly controversial Audiovisual Media Law proposed shortly afterwards, however. Defended by the government as a reform intended to fragment ownership of media companies as to encourage plurality of opinion, the bill was criticised by the opposition as a means to silence voices critical of the government, especially those in the Clarín media group (the country's largest).<ref name=bbc0917>{{cite web|title=Argentina: avanza polémica ley de medios|publisher=BBC Mundo|date=17 September 2009|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml}}</ref> The law has aroused further controversy, given that in its passing through the chambers of the legislature, the mandatory 7 day period between debate and assent of the new legislation was ignored. The view among the opposition is that Kirchner’s government is trying to rush the law through parliament before December 2009. when the government will lose its absolute majorities in Congress.<ref name=bbc0917/> Dr. Lauro Laíño, the president of ADEPA, in a speech given on the 24 September 2009, opposed the proposed law, and added that in Latin America, especially in Venezuela and Argentina, “press freedom was being undermined under the suspicious pretext of plurality” <ref>{{cite web|title=El incierto futuro de los medios masivos de comunicación del país|publisher=Clarín|date=24 September 2009|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml}}</ref> Others, notably press freedom advocacy group [[Reporters Sans Frontières]], have expressed some support for the measure, citing the need to repeal the Radio Broadcast Law of 1980 enacted by the [[National Reorganization Process]], Argentina's last military government.<ref>[http://www.rsf.org/Radio-station-s-closure-highlights.html RSF: Radio station’s closure highlights need to replace radio broadcast law]</ref> The acrimony between Cristina Kirchner's government and the national media was exacerbated by a series of lock-ins carried out by the truck drivers' union lead by Pablo Moyano, son of [[Hugo Moyano]], a close ally of the Kirchner government. During the lock in, the country's most widely circulated newspapers (''Clarín'' and ''La Nación'') were prevented by force and threats of violence from distributing papers to newsstands.<ref>{{cite web|title=Moyano volvió a bloquear anoche la salida de diarios|publisher=La Nación|date=7 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1196122&pid=7671715&toi=6258}}</ref> On 7 November 2009, the Association of Newspaper Editors of Buenos Aires (AEDBA) issued a statement in which it claimed that the truck drivers' unions' actions had been the fiercest attack on the free circulation of newspapers the country had seen since its return to democratic rule in 1983.<ref>{{cite web|title=Duro pronunciamiento de AEDBA|publisher=La Nación|date=7 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1196123}}</ref> ==Magazine Opinion== In 2009, she was ranked by the magazine ''[[Forbes]]'' as eleventh in the list of the [[Forbes Magazine's List of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women|100 most powerful women in the world]]. ==Дополнительно== <!--See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref(erences/)> tags--> <!--to cite a web resource, use this template<ref>{{cite web|last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= |work= |publisher= |date= |url= |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref> --> {{reflist|2}} ==Ссылки== [http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=11319 Cristina Fernandez on Honduras Coup] [http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/ Office of the President] [http://www.cristina.com.ar Official site of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner] [http://www.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC Senate of the Argentine Republic website] *{{es icon}} [http://www.cidob.org/es/documentacion/biografias_lideres_politicos/america_del_sur/argentina/cristina_fernandez_de_kirchner Extensive biography by CIDOB Foundation] *{{nndb|789/000164297}} == Примечания == {{примечания}} == Ссылки == * [http://www.cristina.com.ar/ Официальный сайт] * [http://www.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC Страница на сайте сената Аргентины] [[Категория:Персоналии по алфавиту]] [[Категория:Президенты Аргентины]] [[Категория:Действующие руководители государств]] [[Категория:Супруги президентов]] [[Категория:Женщины-президенты]] [[Категория:Политики XXI века]] {{Link FA|af}} [[af:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ar:كرستينا فيرنانديز]] [[ay:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[bat-smg:Cristina Fernández]] [[bg:Кристина Фернандес де Кирхнер]] [[br:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[bs:Cristina Fernández]] [[ca:Cristina Fernández]] [[cs:Cristina Fernández]] [[cy:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[da:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[de:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[el:Κριστίνα Φερνάντες ντε Κίρχνερ]] [[en:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[eo:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[es:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[et:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[eu:Cristina Fernández]] [[fa:کریستینا فرناندز]] [[fi:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[fr:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[gl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[gv:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[he:כריסטינה פרננדס דה קירשנר]] [[hi:क्रिस्टीना फर्नांडीज डी किर्चनेर]] [[hr:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[hu:Cristina Kirchner]] [[hy:Քրիստինա Ֆերնանդես դե Քիրշներ]] [[id:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[io:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[is:Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner]] [[it:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ja:クリスティーナ・フェルナンデス・デ・キルチネル]] [[ka:კრისტინა ფერნანდესი]] [[ko:크리스티나 페르난데스 데 키르치네르]] [[la:Christina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[lb:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[lt:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[mr:क्रिस्तिना फर्नांदेझ दे कर्शनर]] [[ms:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[nah:Cristina Fernández]] [[nl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[no:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[oc:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[pl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[pt:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ro:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sh:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[simple:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sk:Cristina Fernándezová de Kirchner]] [[sl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sr:Кристина Киршнер]] [[sv:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[tr:Cristina Fernândez]] [[uk:Крістіна Фернандес де Кіршнер]] [[uz:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[vi:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[yo:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[zh:克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔]] [[zh-yue:克里斯蒂娜]]'
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'{{Государственный деятель | титул = [[Президенты Аргентины|Президент Аргентины]] | русское имя = Кристина Элизабет Фернандес де Киршнер | оригинальное имя = {{lang-es|Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner}} | порядок = 55 | портрет = Cristina fernandez de kirchner cropped 2007-04-25.JPG | флаг = Flag of Argentina.svg | периодначало = [[10 декабря]] [[2007]] | периодконец = | коронация = | предшественник = [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестор Киршнер]] | преемник = | титул_2 = | порядок_2 = | флаг_2 = | периодначало_2 = | периодконец_2 = | предшественник_2 = | преемник_2 = | дата рождения = 19.2.1953 | место рождения = {{Флаг|Аргентина||20px}} [[Ла-Плата (город)|Ла-Плата]], [[Аргентина]] | дата смерти = | место смерти = | национальность = | вероисповедание = | партия = [[Фронт Победы (Аргентина)|Фронт Победы]] | супруг = [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестор Киршнер]] | отец = | мать = |дети = }} '''Кристина Элизабет Фернандес де Киршнер''' ({{lang-es|Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner}}<ref>[http://www.perfil.com/contenidos/2007/07/22/noticia_0002.html ¿Simplemente Cristina?] Jorge Lanata, Perfil, 22 de julio de 2007 {{ref-es}}</ref>; (р. [[19 февраля]] [[1953]], [[Ла-Плата (город)|Ла-Плата]], провинция Буэнос-Айрес, [[Аргентина]]) — 55-й [[президенты Аргентины|президент Аргентины]] (с [[10 декабря]] [[2007]]). Сменила на этом посту своего супруга [[Киршнер, Нестор|Нестора Киршнера]]. Стала второй женщиной — президентом Аргентины (после [[Мартинес де Перон, Исабель|Исабель Перон]]) и первой женщиной, ставшей президентом в результате выборов. На всеобщих выборах 2007 года Фернандес была [[кандидат]]ом от правящей партии Фронт Победы. Она выиграла выборы с 45 % голосов и с отрывом в 20 % от следующего кандидата. Это один из самых больших разрывов с [[1983 год]]а, когда в Аргентине было установлено гражданское правление и начали проходить свободные выборы. ==Частная жизнь== Кристина родилась в городке Рингелет, провинция Буэнос-Айрес, родители - Эдуардо Фернандес, испанского происхождения, и Офелия Эстер Вильгельм - немецкого. Училась на юридическом факультете в Национальном университете Ла Платы в 1970 годы . В течении обучения она встретила будущего мужа [[Нестор Киршнер|Нестора Киршнера]]. Они поженились 9 марта 1975 года, у них двоое детей: Максимо и Флоренсия.<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |url= http://web.archive.org/web/20071228053233rn_1/kirchner.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC |title= Senadora Nacional Cristina E. Fernández De Kirchner |publisher= República Argentina |accessdate= 2008-09-08}}</ref> Флоренсия получила международную аттестацию в 2008 году когда она начала работать в [[Fotolog]].<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1700434,00.html |title= There's Something About the President's Daughter |publisher= ''[[Time (magazine)|Time]]'' |accessdate= 2008-11-04}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/dec/30/argentina.socialnetworking |title= Wild child's exposure on web upsets presidential parents |publisher= ''[[The Guardian]]'' |accessdate= 2008-11-04 | location=London | date=December 29, 2007}}</ref><ref>{{it icon}} {{cite web |url= http://web20.excite.it/news/6863/La-vita-in-Rete-della-17enne-figlia-del-Presidente |title= La vita in Rete della 17enne figlia del Presidente |publisher= Excite |accessdate= 2008-11-04}}</ref> ==Политическая карьера== Критина начала свою политическую карьеру в перонистской [[Хустисиалистская партия|Хустисиалистской партии]] в 1970 годы. В течении Процесса национальной реорганизации , она и Нестор Киршнер были вне политики и занимались юридической практикой в [[Рио-Гальегос]]е. Она продолжила политическую карьеру в 1980е годы, и была избрана от провинции [[Санта-Крус]] в 1989 году, В 1993 переизбрана. В 1995 году Кристина Киршнер была избрана от провинции Санта-Крус в [[Сенат Аргентины]]. Она также была избрана в Палату Депутатов в 1997, и 2001 годах, вернулась в Сенат. К. Фернандес поддержала мужа в его успешной избирательной компании завершившейся в 2003 избранием его президентом. 27 апреля 2003, Соперником его был бывший президент [[Карлос Менем]] и два социалистических кандидата, Н. Киршнер набрал (25%), и прошел во второй тур. Во втором туре выборов победил [[Нестор Киршнер]] 18 мая. После поражения в выборах Карлос Менем признал Киршнера новым президентом, хотя он набрал 22% голосов .<ref name="Husband Victory">{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''La Nación'' |date= April 28, 2003 |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/archivo/Nota.asp?nota_id=492225 |title= Menem y Kirchner disputarán la segunda vuelta el 18 de mayo}}</ref> В течении президентского срока мужа Кристина принимала участие в политической жизни страны. Она произносила речи на политических собраниях, что напоминало[[Ева Перон|Еву Перон]]. Хотя она в дальнейшем отвергала такие сравнения, однажды К. Фернандес признала в интервью, что идентифицирует себя с образом Эвиты как общественной деятельницы. <ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 27 July 2007 |url= http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/07/27/elpais/p-00803.htm |title= 'Me identifico con la Eva del puño crispado'}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |author= Rory Carroll and Oliver Balch |publisher= Guardian Unlimited |date= 26 October 2007 |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/argentina/story/0,,2199434,00.html |title= President in waiting evokes echo of Evita | location=London | accessdate=March 26, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |author= James Sturcke |publisher= ''Guardian Unlimited'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.guardian.co.uk/argentina/story/0,,2201278,00.html |title= The art of the possible | location=London | accessdate=March 26, 2010}}</ref> Кристина Фернандес была основным кандидатом от партии Фронт Победы в провинции Буэнос-Айрес, на выборах 2005 года , она проводила компанию против [[Хильда Дуальдо|Хильды Гонслес Дуальдо]], жены президента [[Эдуардо Дуальде]]. Киршнер победила на выборах получив 25% голосов избирателей. ==Выдвижение в президенты Аргентины== [[Image:Cristina Fernandez at 2007 Presidential elections.jpg|thumb|left|Кристина участвует в президентских выборах со своим мужем Нестором]] Кристина была лидером в выборах на пост президента, ее выдвижение прогнозировали. Она получила 45% голосов , в то время как у ближайшего соперника было 10% голосов избирателей. Кристина победила на выборах получив 45.3% голосов, а у соперницы было 22% [[Elisa Carrió]] (кандидатки от Гражданского движения) и 16% голосов у министра экономики [[Roberto Lavagna]]. Одинадцать других кандидатов вместе набрали 15%.<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/10/29/um/m-01529064.htm |title= Crisistina se aleja por más de 20 puntos sobre el final del escrutinio}}</ref> Киршнер был популярена среди рабочих, ее также поддержал средний класс.<ref>{{cite news |publisher= ''Time'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1677374,00.html |title= A Mixed Message in Argentina's Vote}}</ref> Of note, Kirchner lost the election in the three largest cities ([[Buenos Aires]], [[Córdoba, Argentina|Córdoba]] and [[Rosario, Santa Fe|Rosario]]), although she won in most other places elsewhere, including the large provincial capitals such as [[Mendoza, Argentina|Mendoza]] and [[San Miguel de Tucumán|Tucumán]].<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |publisher= ''Página/12'' |date= 1 November 2007 |url= http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-93883-2007-11-01.html |title= Alpargatas sí, centros urbanos no}}</ref> Выиграв президентские выборы 10 декабря 2007, она бросила вызов инфляции и высоким ценам, поддерживала частные инвестиции, помогала с кредитами (exemplified by the controversy surrounding the [[National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina|national statistics bureau]], INDEC), utility companies demanding authorization to raise their fees, low availability of cheap credit to the private sector, and the upcoming negotiation of the defaulted foreign debt with the [[Paris Club]].<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |publisher= ''Página/12'' |date= 29 October 2007 |url= http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/economia/2-93706-2007-10-29.html |title= Los desafíos en el área económica que esperan al próximo gobierno}}</ref><ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''Clarín'' |date= 28 October 2007 |url= http://www.ieco.clarin.com/notas/2007/10/28/01528927.html |title= Empresarios contentos por la continuidad del modelo K}}</ref><ref>{{es icon}} {{cite news |publisher= ''La Nación'' |date= 24 May 2007 |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/archivo/Nota.asp?nota_id=911256 |title= Prevén que el desempleo se ubicará en el 8% a fin de año}}</ref> ==Кабинет министров== [[Image:Ministros de Cristina.jpg|thumb|250px|Президент на заседании кабинета министров.]] 14 ноября , президент обьявила о формировании нового кабинета министров, который был сформирован 10 декабря. Были назначены 12 министров, семь из которых были в правительстве Нестора Киршнера, .<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2007/11/14/um/m-01540433.htm El nuevo Gabinete: Lousteau va a Economía y De Vido sigue en Planificación Federal (Spanish)]</ref> Two other ministerial posts were created afterwards. {| class="toccolours" style="float: auto; font-size:90%; width:530px; background:F5F5F5;" !style="background:lavender;" colspan="3"|<div style="float:left;">&nbsp;[[Image:Presidential Standard of Argentina.svg|35px|border|The Presidential Standard of Argentina]]</div><span style="color: black;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:100%">Chief of Cabinet and Ministers<br> of Cristina Kirchner's Government</span> |- style="font-weight:bold;" |width="40%"|Office |Name |width="33%"|Term |- !style="background:#000000;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers|Chief of the<br> Cabinet of Ministers]] | [[Alberto Fernández]]<br>[[Sergio Massa]]<br>'''[[Aníbal Fernández]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 23, 2008<br>Jul. 24, 2008 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#DCDCDC;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Interior | '''[[Florencio Randazzo]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship|Ministry of Foreign Affairs, <br>International Trade and Worship]] | '''[[Jorge Taiana]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Ministry of Defense (Argentina)|Ministry of Defense]] | '''[[Nilda Garré]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | [[Minister of Economy of Argentina|Ministry of Economy]] | [[Martín Lousteau]]<br />[[Carlos Rafael Fernández|Carlos Fernández]]<br>'''[[Amado Boudou]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Apr. 24, 2008<br />Apr. 25, 2008 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Federal Planning, <br>Public Investment and Services | '''[[Julio de Vido]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Justice, <br>Security and Human Rights | [[Aníbal Fernández]]<br>'''[[Julio Alak]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 7, 2009<br>Jul. 8, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Work,<br> Labour and Social Security | '''[[Carlos Tomada]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Health and Environment | [[Graciela Ocaña]]<br>'''[[Juan Luis Manzur]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jun. 30, 2009<br>Jul. 1, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Social Development |''' [[Alicia Kirchner de Mercado]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Education | [[Juan Carlos Tedesco]]<br>'''[[Alberto Sileoni]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – Jul. 20, 2009<br>Jul. 20, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Science, <br>Technology and Productive Innovation | '''[[Lino Barañao]]''' | Dec. 10, 2007 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- | Ministry of Industry and Tourism | '''[[Débora Giorgi]]''' | Nov. 26, 2008 – ''incumbent'' |- !style="background:#D3D3D3;" colspan="3"| |- |Ministry of Agriculture | '''[[Julián Domínguez]]''' | Oct. 1, 2009 – ''incumbent'' |} ==Президентство== [[File:Cristina Fernandez y gobernadores.jpg|thumb|left|260px|Президент Киршнер встречает губернаторов Аргентины.]] ===2007=== В течени первых дней на посту президента, Кристина Киршнер наладила хорошие отношения с США, как результат США помог Аргентине в юридической компании contributions, case known as the [[maletinazo]] (suitcase scandal). В соответствии с договоренностями, Венесуэла прислала своего представителя ([[Guido Antonini Wilson]]) который с $790,550 прибыл 4 августа в аэропорт Буэнос-Айреса. U.S. prosecutors allege the money was sent to help Kirchner's presidential campaign. Some of the allegations were proven and several individuals received a prison sentence after a widely reported trial. Киршнер и Венесуэльский президент Уго Чавес провели переговоры "a trashing operation" и часть которых заключалось в том чтобы США помогло народам Латинской Америки. .<ref>{{es icon}} {{cite web |url= http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=972344|title= Cristina y Chávez, juntos contra EE.UU |publisher= ''La Nación'' |accessdate= 2007-12-19}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=anPqjcENNtWo |title= Argentina Protests Charges, Restricts U.S. Ambassador |publisher= Bloomberg |accessdate= 2007-12-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.economist.com/world/la/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10438525|title= Argentina, Venezuela and America. Slush and garbage|publisher= The Economist |accessdate= 2008-01-03}}</ref> 31 ягнвря на встрече с Киршнер, посол США в Аргентине, [[Earl Anthony Wayne]], сказал ей о том что "никогда не сделает правительство США," и разговор был закончен. Он рассказал о том что включает часть независимой юридической помощи правительства США<ref>{{cite web |url= http://spanish.argentina.usembassy.gov/rel244.html |title= Declaración del Eembajador de EE.UU., Earl Anthony Wayne, luego de reunirse con la Presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner|publisher= U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina |language=Spanish|accessdate= 2008-04-01}}</ref> [[Элиза Карилло]] И [[Мария Эстенсоро]], члены оппозиционных партий, критиковали правительство Аргентины за договоренности с США , а также о коррупции в правительстве Аргентины и политику в отношении Венесуэлы.<ref>{{cite web |publisher= ''TIME'' |date= 20 December 2007 |url= http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1697490,00.html |title= Troubles for Argentina's New Evita}}</ref> ===2008=== [[File:Cristina Kirchner Zapatero.jpg|thumb|left|с испанским премьер-министром[[Хосе Луис Родригес Сапатеро]]]] [[File:Cristina y Lula 2.jpg|thumb|right|Кристина и президент Бпазилии[[Лула да Силва]]]] После кризиса в экономике в 2001-02 годах, Киршнеры были за то чтобы усилить влияние Конгресса на экономику, после выборов 2007 года (было избрано 153 когрессмена и 44 сенатора). В марте 2008, Киршнер ввела новые экспортные пошлины, эффективно увеличившие поступления в казну и несмотря на это экспорт увеличился от 35% до 44% после обнародования указа президента.<ref>{{cite web|title= Argentine Soybean Output May Slip; Protests May Pause|publisher=Bloomberg|date=9 March 2008|url= http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aXApGun1Lmpw}}</ref> В 2008 году фермеры были недовольны политикой правительства. Они организовали 25 марта забастовку на главной площади Буэнос_Айреса [[Plaza de la República (Buenos Aires)|Buenos Aires Obelisk]] а также на [[Casa Rosada|presidential palace]]. Акции протеста прошли по всей стране. В Буэнос-Айресе дом Киршнер окружили фермеры и две недели держали ее дом в оцеплении, дело доходило до насилия с обоих сторон, в ситуацию вмешивалась полиция.<ref>{{cite web|title=La policía observó, pero no intervino|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=27 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=999067&origen=relacionadas}}</ref> Правительство критиковали лидеры оппозиции [[Luis D'Elía]], правительство участвовало в инциндентах, журналисты и члены других партий обсуждали происходящее в стране (notably [[Elisa Carrió]]), были протесты против арестов проводимых полицией.<ref>{{cite web|title=Cacería para ganar la Plaza. Fueron golpeados manifestantes que apoyaban el reclamo del campo|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=26 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=998778&origen=relacionadas}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=El verdadero mensaje de las cacerolas|publisher=''La Nacion''|date=27 March 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/EdicionImpresa/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=999018&pid=4186310&toi=5825}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Argentina's Fernández Plays With Fire|publisher=''The Guardian''|date=1 April 2008|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/feedarticle?id=7425706 | location=London}}</ref> On April 1, the government organised a rally during which thousands of pro-government protesters marched through downtown Buenos Aires in support of the bill increasing Argentina's export taxes on the basis of a sliding scale; at the event, Kirchner called on farmers to act "as part of a country, not as owners of a country."<ref>{{cite web|title=In Argentina, thousands rally in support of president|publisher=''Los Angeles Times''|date=2 April 2008|url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-farmers2apr02,1,5792792.story}}</ref> [[Image:Cristinayhugo jpg.jpg|thumb|left|С Венесуэльским президентом [[Уго Чавес|Уго Чевесом]]]] В апреле 2008 на 26 годовщине войны на Фолклендских островах ,Киршнер выступила с заявлением вернуть Фолклендские острова. Она заявила о правах Аргентины на острова. Находясь в преобладании в Аргентинском конгрессе партия Фронт Победы не могла гарантировать legislative blank check: 16 июля 2008, президентский билль был провален, и также высказался против Вице-Президент [[Julio Cobos]].План партии поддержали только лишь 16 когрессменов и 4 сенатора. Это положило конец борьбе правительства с фермерами, хотя Кобос согласился о поддержке фермеров правительством. He was reportedly cosidered "a traitor" by the followers of Kirchner's administration. Кобос отказался несмотря на родственные связи между Президентом и Вице-президентом.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2008/07/16/um/m-01716277.htm ''Clarín'': Crisis política tras el sorpresivo voto del Vicepresidente Cobos {{es icon}}]</ref> A poll result published in ''[[El País]]'', [[Spain]]'s most widely circulated daily newspaper, revealed that following the protests, Fernández's approval rating had "plummeted" from 57.8% at the start of her administration<ref>{{cite web |publisher= Angus Reid |date= 31 December 2007 |url= http://www.angus-reid.com/polls/view/positive_rating_for_argentinas_cristina_kirchner/ |title= Positive Rating for Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner}}</ref> to an unprecedented 23%.<ref>{{cite web|title=La popularidad de la presidenta argentina se hunde en tres meses|publisher=''El País''|date=9 April 2008|url=http://www.elpais.com/articulo/internacional/popularidad/presidenta/argentina/hunde/meses/elpepiint/20080409elpepiint_7/Tes}}</ref> Once recovered from the conflict with agrarian interests, Cristina Kirchner's public approval improved; her job approval ratings rose by 30% (''Poliarquía'', 08/22/08). Her inflexible handling of the protests and reluctance to review the policies that sparked the protest have led to speculation that it is her husband, predecessor in office and current leader of the [[Justicialist Party]], [[Néstor Kirchner]], who controls her administration. The British weekly newspaper ''[[The Economist]]'' has described this situation as Kirchner "paying the price for her husbands pig-headedness",<ref>{{cite web|title=Cristina in the land of make believe|publisher=''The Economist''|date=1 May 2008|url=http://www.economist.com/world/la/displaystory.cfm?story_id=11293743}}</ref> and as of February 2009, her job approval rating was 28%.<ref>[http://colombiareports.com/colombian-news/news/2636-uribe-lula-and-correa-most-popular-presidents.html ''Colombia Reports'']</ref> On October 20, 2008, Fernández proposed the transfer of nearly US$30 billion in private pension holdings to the social security system,<ref>[http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gONWznbxy5XOpz__VTrlSvVdgRogD93V5BG80 Argentina seeks to nationalize private pensions]</ref> a law that was passed by [[Congress of Argentina|Congress]] in late November.<ref>{{cite web| accessdate = November 29, 2008|title= Argentina Senate passes pension nationalisation law|publisher=The Peninsula|date= November 22, 2008|url= http://www.thepeninsulaqatar.com/Display_news.asp?section=World_News&subsection=Americas&month=November2008&file=World_News200811228342.xml}}</ref> President Cristina Kirchner is a member of the [[Council of Women World Leaders]], an international network of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to mobilize the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of critical importance to women and equitable development. [[File:Cristina.kirchner.india.2009.jpg|thumb|left|Cristina visiting India]] Fernández was invited to the prestigious Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy in [[Washington, D.C.]], on November 15, 2008, by President [[George W. Bush]]. During her stay in Washington, she held meetings with [[Brazil]]ian leader [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva]] (at the [[Four Seasons Hotel]] in [[Georgetown, Washington, D.C.|Georgetown]]), [[Madeleine Albright]] (representing U.S. President-elect [[Barack Obama]]), Senator [[Christopher Dodd]] and [[Australia]]'s Prime Minister, [[Kevin Rudd]] at the [[Park Hyatt]] Hotel. She then attended the G20 meeting in London April 2, 2009 and was given a seat of honour at the dinner held the night before at 10 Downing Street, when she was seated across from President Obama.<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/02/g20-seating-plan ''The Guardian'']</ref> Cristina Kirchner has travelled extensively as president, visiting Algeria, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, France, Libya, Mexico, Qatar, Russia, Spain, the UK, the U.S. and Venezuela, among other nations. ===2009=== [[File:Cristina, Benedicto y Michelle.jpg|thumb|right|Cristina with [[Michelle Bachelet]] and [[Pope Benedict XVI]] conmemorating Argentina and Chile friendship]] Following the [[Argentine legislative election, 2009|June 28, 2009, mid-term elections]], the ruling [[Front for Victory|FPV]]'s [[Party-list voting|party list]] lost its absolute majority in both houses of Congress, shedding a further 24 seats in the Lower House (including allies) and 4 in the Senate. They lost in the four most important electoral districts (home to 60% of Argentines), and among these, the loss was narrow only in the [[Province of Buenos Aires]]. The FPV obtained a very narrow victory, overall, as a percentage of the national vote, and retained their plurality in Congress.<ref>[http://www.elecciones.gov.ar/paginas/if_top.htm Elecciones.gov.ar]</ref> This will be reflected in strengthened opposition alliances, notably the center-right [[Republican Proposal|Unión Pro]], the center-left [[Civic Coalition]] and the left-wing Proyecto Sur, when elected candidates in both chambers take office on December 11, 2009.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/06/28/conexiones/inicio_info.html ''Clarín'': Infografía]</ref> Allegations of impropriety have contributed increasingly to the Kirchners' decline in approval, as well. The couple's own, latest federal financial disclosure in July 2009 revealed an increase in their personal assets by 7 times, since Néstor Kirchner's 2003 inaugural. The increase was partly the product of land deals in [[El Calafate]], a scenic, [[Santa Cruz Province (Argentina)|Santa Cruz Province]] town where the couple has long vacationed and own property (including 450 acres of land and two hotels).<ref>[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2009/07/14/internacional/1247578095.html ''El Mundo'']</ref> On October 17, 2009, President [[Cristina Kirchner]] proposed the compulsory submission of [[DNA]] samples in cases related to [[crimes against humanity]], in a move lauded by the [[Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo]], but excoriated by opposition figures as a political move against [[Clarín (newspaper)|Clarín Media Group]] Chairperson [[Ernestina Herrera de Noble]], who is in litigation over her suspected adoption of two children of the "[[Desaparecidos|disappeared]]," and whose hitherto cordial relations with [[Kirchnerism]] had recently soured.<ref>[http://www.elpais.com.uy/091019/pinter-448877/mundo/polemica-por-ley-de-adn-en-argentina ''El País'' {{es icon}}]</ref> Similar motives are alleged by the opposition against the president's Media Law, which would restrict the number of media licences per proprietor and allocate a greater share of these to state and [[NGO]]s, thereby limiting the influence of ''Clarín'' and the conservative ''[[La Nación (Buenos Aires)|La Nación]]''.<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml BBC News en Español]</ref> The president's proposed enactment of mandatory [[primary election]]s for all of Argentina's myriad political parties, and for every elected post, was likewise rejected by opposition figures, who charged that these reforms could stymy minor parties and the formation of new ones.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/10/28/um/m-02028876.htm ''Clarín'': Los principales puntos (10/28/2009) {{es icon}}]</ref><ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/10/28/um/m-02028917.htm ''Clarín'': Fuerte rechazo de la oposición {{es icon}}]</ref> [[File:Cristina Fernandez y Hu Jintao.jpg|thumb|left|Cristina with President of China [[Hu Jintao]] ]] Following charges of embezzlement filed by a local attorney, Enrique Piragini, on October 29, Federal Judge Norberto Oyarbide ordered an accounting expert to investigate the origin of the Kirchners’ wealth. Public records show that since their arrival to power in 2003, the declared assets of Cristina and Nestor Kirchner have increased by 572%. A preliminary report on the investigation by the Argentine Anti Corruption Office (OA) established that the official figures provided by the Kirchners "don't stack up".<ref>{{cite web|title=Avanza la causa por la fortuna de los Kirchner|publisher=La Nación|date=9 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1197064}}</ref> The investigation was suspended by Judge Oyarbide on December 30, though a week later, Piragini appealed the ruling.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/06/elpais/p-02114196.htm ''Clarín'': Intentan reabrir la investigación {{es icon}}]</ref> On 29 October 2009 Cristina launched an universal child benefit plan ( {{lang-es|Asignacion Universal por Hijo}} ) as a way to fight poverty with the goal to reach approximately five million children and youths <ref>[http://www.whiteband.org/blog/archive/2009/10/30/universal-child-allowance-announced-in-argentina Universal Child Allowance announced in Argentina]</ref>. ===2010=== [[File:Cristina Fernandez y Obama.jpg|thumb|Cristina Fernández and [[Barack Obama]]]] The year began with controversy surrounding the president's order that a US$6.7 billion escrow account be opened at the [[Central Bank of Argentina|Central Bank]] for the purpose of retiring high-interest bonds, whose principal is tied to inflation. The move met with the opposition of Central Bank President [[Martín Redrado]], who refused to implement it, and following an impasse, he was dismissed by presidential decree on January 7, 2010.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/07/um/m-02115418.htm ''Clarín'' (1/7/2010) {{es}}]</ref> Redrado refused to abide by the initial decree removing him from the presidency of the Central Bank, however, and petitioned for a judicial power to keep him in office. Accordingly, the president enacted another decree for his dismissal, citing "mis-conduct" on Redrado's part. The legitimacy of this new decree was questioned as well, as his dismissal would deny Redrado [[due process]]. Congress was at a [[Recess (break)|recess period]] at the time, but most of its opposition members considered returning to override the decrees through an extraordinary session.<ref name=nacion10>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1219375&pid=8049798&toi=6255 ''La Nación'' (1/7/2010) {{es}}]</ref> The session became a source of controversy as well: Kirchner considered that, according to the 63rd article of the Constitution, only the President may call for an extraordinary session while the Congress is in recess. Cobos replied instead that all regulations concerning decrees require the immediate advise and consent of Congress, that the body's by-laws (56 and 57) allow extraordinary sessions called by any member, and that the commission formed for that purpose functions all at all times, even during recess.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/11/elpais/p-02117474.htm ''Clarín'': Autoconvocatoria legislativa {{es}}]</ref> The planned use of [[foreign exchange reserve]]s through a [[Necessity and Urgency Decree]] was itself questioned by several opposition figures, who argued that such a decree may not meet a threshold of "necessity" and "urgency" required by the [[Constitution of Argentina]] for its enactment.<ref name=nacion10/> Judge [[María José Sarmiento]] handed down a ruling preventing said use of reserves, and the Government reacted by appealing the ruling.<ref>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1219741 ''La Nación'': La Casa Rosada confirma que apelará el fallo que frena el uso de reservas {{es}}]</ref> President Kirchner defended the policy as a cost saving maneuver, whereby [[government bond]]s paying out 15 percent interest would be retired from the market.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/08/um/m-02115979.htm ''Clarín'': Cristina volvió a defender el uso de las reservas {{es}}]</ref> The move, however, also provided numerous [[vulture fund]]s ([[Holdout problem|holdout]]s from the 2005 debt restructuring who had resorted to the courts in a bid for higher returns on their defaulted bonds) a legal argument against the central bank's autarky, and thus facilitated a judgement lien on January 12 against a central bank account in New York.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2010/01/12/um/m-02118566.htm ''Clarín'': Embargaron fondos del Central en EE.UU. {{es}}]</ref> [[File:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Hillary Clinton - Casa Rosada - 2010.jpg|thumb|left|[[Hillary Clinton]] with Cristina in Buenos Aires, March 2010]] Judge Sarmiento also annulled the decree that removed Redrado and reinstated him as President of the Central Bank the following day. The ruling also refuted claims of mis-conduct cited by President Cristina Kirchner to justify his removal.<ref>[http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1219722 ''La Nación'': Redrado volvió al Banco Central {{es}}]</ref> International media described the attempted removal of Redrado as authoritarian, while criticizing the planned use of reserves for debt retirement, as well as accelerating spending growth, as fiscally irresponsible. Opposition Congresswoman [[Elisa Carrió]], a likely candidate in the upcoming 2011 presidential campaign, has raised the possibility of [[impeachment]] procedures against Mrs. Kirchner.<ref>[http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2010/01/10/opinion/21794622.html ''El Mundo'' {{es}}] {{es icon}}</ref><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/01/07/business/AP-LT-Argentina-Central-Bank.html ''New York Times'': Argentine President Fires Central Bank Chief]</ref><ref>[http://www.lemonde.fr/ameriques/article/2010/01/09/l-argentine-plonge-dans-une-crise-institutionnelle_1289587_3222.html ''Le Monde'': L'Argentine plonge dans une crise institutionnelle {{fr}}]</ref> Cristina Fernandez and her husband Nestor were in January 2010 reported to the Judiciary because of "illicit gain". It was reported that their personal fortune grew surprisingly too much from the period of 2007 to 2008. This incident came on the heels of the issues with the Central Bank and Martin Redrado. [[File:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Dmitry Medvedev - Casa Rosada 2010.jpg|thumb|right|Cristina with President of Russia [[Dmitry Medvedev]] on April 2010]] At the start of the month of February 2010, one of Cristina's private asessors resigned his post due to the claims of "illicit gain". Just two weeks afterwards, another of Cristina's private asesors, Julio Daniel Álvarez, resigned for the same reason.<ref>http://www.elmundo.es/america/2010/02/16/argentina/1266342290.html</ref> On February 22, 2010, British oil explorer [[Desire Petroleum]], started drilling exploration wells some 60 miles north of the disputed Falkland/Malvinas Islands, despite strong opposition from Argentina which took the issue to the Latin America and Caribbean Presidents summit where it received unanimous support <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8531052.stm Summit backs Argentine claim to Falkland Islands]</ref>. According to geological surveys carried out in 1998, there could be 60 billion barrels of oil in the area around the islands <ref>[http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iEuLqDZuMtnHy8fCgGeHIAo5cemgD9E1KFJG2 UK oil exploration firm starts Falklands drilling.Raphael G. Satter. February 22, 2010]</ref> but the 2010 drill carried out poor results. <ref>[http://sify.com/news/oil-exploration-off-falklands-turns-up-poor-quality-crude-news-international-kd4okhegihg.html Oil exploration off Falklands turns up poor quality crude]</ref> After Desire's share price plummeting as a result the company announced further work could begin later this year.<ref>[http://www.thefuelcardpeople.co.uk/fuelnews/19733230/Business%20fuel%20card/Fuel%20card%20news:%20Falklands%20set%20for%20further%20oil%20drilling ]</ref> On March 2010 received the visit of Secretary of State [[Hillary Clinton]] which give great support to the way Cristina's administration was managing the foreign debt issue <ref>[http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/03/137539.htm ''Argentina’s debt-to-GDP ratio is a lower percentage now than the United States debt-to-GDP ratio. So however Argentina is doing it, it’s working'']</ref> and emphasize the relation between the two countries<ref>[http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2010/03/137539.htm ''Where we agree is so much greater than where we disagree'']</ref> something which was not reported by local major news media <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtSqw-QKAwQ Carlos Escude about Cristina's Foreign Policy]</ref> On April 2010 received in Buenos Aires Chile's new president [[Sebastian Piñera]] on his first foriegn tour abroad who reaffirmed the current strong ties between the two countries <ref>[http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hMFI356GjmO1Ml_PTNYqCJGy8AKgD9EV4LRG0 ''The best of our bilateral relationship is ahead of us."]</ref>. Cristina Fernandez then assisted to the [[Nuclear Security Summit]] at Washington DC, after which meet with President [[Barack Obama]] who thanked Argentina’s role in international stabilization and earthquake relief efforts in Haiti <ref>[http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/president-obamas-bilateral-meeting-with-president-cristina-fernandez-de-kirchner-ar President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina]</ref>. Back to Buenos Aires, she received the visit of the President of [[Russia]] [[Dmitry Medvedev]] the first in country's history and two days later the Prime Minister of Vietnam [[Nguyễn Tấn Dũng]] <ref>[http://www.infobae.com/politica/511524-0-0-La-Presidente-firmo-acuerdo-energetico-primer-ministro-Vietnam La Presidente firmó acuerdo energético con primer ministro de Vietnam]</ref>. On April 19, Cristina was invited to the bicentenary of the independence of Venezuela where she was the main speaker to the National Assembly <ref> [http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2010/abril/mar20/Venezuela.html]</ref> and signed 25 trade agreements related to food, technology and energy with Hugo Chavez <ref>[http://www.poder360.com/dailynews_detail.php?blurbid=6939]</ref> ==Relationship with the media== Fernández and her husband have always had a tempestuous relationship with the national media particullary [[Grupo Clarín]] which is owner of video cable networks, multiple TV Channels, radios, the main newspaper and through most of a decade before 2010 the monopoly of the Argentine football, a so-called opinion-former. By 2010 was obvious for independent sources that the traditionally major news media were in a direct fight with the government and often reporting misleading Information <ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtSqw-QKAwQ]</ref> In April 2008, Kirchner received a stern public rebuke from the Argentine Journalistic Entities Association ([[Spanish language|Spanish]]: ''Asociación de Entidades Periodísticas Argentinas'', or ADEPA) for having publicly accused the popular cartoonist [[Hermenegildo Sábat]] of behaving like a "quasi mafioso".<ref>{{cite web|title=Libertad de prensa y democracia |publisher=Clarin|date=4 April 2006|url=http://www.clarin.com/diario/2008/04/04/opinion/o-01643113.htm}}</ref> In addition, a government proposal to create a watchdog to monitor racism and discrimination was received with suspicion by ADEPA, who called it a "covert attempt to control the media".<ref>{{cite web|title=Cuestionamiento de las entidades periodísticas|publisher=La Nacion|date=8 April 2008|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=1002431}}</ref> Nestor Kirchner, Cristina's husband and predecessor in office, received a similar rebuke for publicly and falsely denouncing [[Joaquín Morales Solá]], a journalist critical of the government, for having produced an inflammatory text published in 1978.<ref>{{cite web|title=ADEPA pide prudencia al presidente de la Nación|publisher=ADEPA|date=2 October 2006|url=http://www.adepa.org.ar/libertaddeprensa/dcl-02-10-06.asp}}</ref> On September 11, 2009, she advanced the decriminalization of injurious calumny against public officials, a charge which had, in 2000, resulted in a prison term of one year for Eduardo Kimel, a journalist investigating the [[San Patricio Church massacre]] of 1976.<ref>[http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/09/12/elpais/p-01997100.htm ''Clarín'': Cristina envió un proyecto para despenalizar calumnias e injurias {{es icon}}]</ref> She drew fire from a highly controversial Audiovisual Media Law proposed shortly afterwards, however. Defended by the government as a reform intended to fragment ownership of media companies as to encourage plurality of opinion, the bill was criticised by the opposition as a means to silence voices critical of the government, especially those in the Clarín media group (the country's largest).<ref name=bbc0917>{{cite web|title=Argentina: avanza polémica ley de medios|publisher=BBC Mundo|date=17 September 2009|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml}}</ref> The law has aroused further controversy, given that in its passing through the chambers of the legislature, the mandatory 7 day period between debate and assent of the new legislation was ignored. The view among the opposition is that Kirchner’s government is trying to rush the law through parliament before December 2009. when the government will lose its absolute majorities in Congress.<ref name=bbc0917/> Dr. Lauro Laíño, the president of ADEPA, in a speech given on the 24 September 2009, opposed the proposed law, and added that in Latin America, especially in Venezuela and Argentina, “press freedom was being undermined under the suspicious pretext of plurality” <ref>{{cite web|title=El incierto futuro de los medios masivos de comunicación del país|publisher=Clarín|date=24 September 2009|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2009/09/090917_0506_argentina_aprueban_ley_medios_irm.shtml}}</ref> Others, notably press freedom advocacy group [[Reporters Sans Frontières]], have expressed some support for the measure, citing the need to repeal the Radio Broadcast Law of 1980 enacted by the [[National Reorganization Process]], Argentina's last military government.<ref>[http://www.rsf.org/Radio-station-s-closure-highlights.html RSF: Radio station’s closure highlights need to replace radio broadcast law]</ref> The acrimony between Cristina Kirchner's government and the national media was exacerbated by a series of lock-ins carried out by the truck drivers' union lead by Pablo Moyano, son of [[Hugo Moyano]], a close ally of the Kirchner government. During the lock in, the country's most widely circulated newspapers (''Clarín'' and ''La Nación'') were prevented by force and threats of violence from distributing papers to newsstands.<ref>{{cite web|title=Moyano volvió a bloquear anoche la salida de diarios|publisher=La Nación|date=7 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1196122&pid=7671715&toi=6258}}</ref> On 7 November 2009, the Association of Newspaper Editors of Buenos Aires (AEDBA) issued a statement in which it claimed that the truck drivers' unions' actions had been the fiercest attack on the free circulation of newspapers the country had seen since its return to democratic rule in 1983.<ref>{{cite web|title=Duro pronunciamiento de AEDBA|publisher=La Nación|date=7 November 2009|url=http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1196123}}</ref> ==Дополнительно== <!--See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes for an explanation of how to generate footnotes using the <ref(erences/)> tags--> <!--to cite a web resource, use this template<ref>{{cite web|last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= |work= |publisher= |date= |url= |format= |doi= |accessdate= |quote = }}</ref> --> {{reflist|2}} ==Ссылки== [http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=11319 Cristina Fernandez on Honduras Coup] [http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/ Office of the President] [http://www.cristina.com.ar Official site of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner] [http://www.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC Senate of the Argentine Republic website] *{{es icon}} [http://www.cidob.org/es/documentacion/biografias_lideres_politicos/america_del_sur/argentina/cristina_fernandez_de_kirchner Extensive biography by CIDOB Foundation] *{{nndb|789/000164297}} == Примечания == {{примечания}} == Ссылки == * [http://www.cristina.com.ar/ Официальный сайт] * [http://www.senado.gov.ar/web/senadores/biografia.php?id_sena=212&iOrden=0&iSen=ASC Страница на сайте сената Аргентины] [[Категория:Персоналии по алфавиту]] [[Категория:Президенты Аргентины]] [[Категория:Действующие руководители государств]] [[Категория:Супруги президентов]] [[Категория:Женщины-президенты]] [[Категория:Политики XXI века]] {{Link FA|af}} [[af:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ar:كرستينا فيرنانديز]] [[ay:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[bat-smg:Cristina Fernández]] [[bg:Кристина Фернандес де Кирхнер]] [[br:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[bs:Cristina Fernández]] [[ca:Cristina Fernández]] [[cs:Cristina Fernández]] [[cy:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[da:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[de:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[el:Κριστίνα Φερνάντες ντε Κίρχνερ]] [[en:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[eo:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[es:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[et:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[eu:Cristina Fernández]] [[fa:کریستینا فرناندز]] [[fi:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[fr:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[gl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[gv:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[he:כריסטינה פרננדס דה קירשנר]] [[hi:क्रिस्टीना फर्नांडीज डी किर्चनेर]] [[hr:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[hu:Cristina Kirchner]] [[hy:Քրիստինա Ֆերնանդես դե Քիրշներ]] [[id:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[io:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[is:Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner]] [[it:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ja:クリスティーナ・フェルナンデス・デ・キルチネル]] [[ka:კრისტინა ფერნანდესი]] [[ko:크리스티나 페르난데스 데 키르치네르]] [[la:Christina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[lb:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[lt:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[mr:क्रिस्तिना फर्नांदेझ दे कर्शनर]] [[ms:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[nah:Cristina Fernández]] [[nl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[no:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[oc:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[pl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[pt:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[ro:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sh:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[simple:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sk:Cristina Fernándezová de Kirchner]] [[sl:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[sr:Кристина Киршнер]] [[sv:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[tr:Cristina Fernândez]] [[uk:Крістіна Фернандес де Кіршнер]] [[uz:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[vi:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[yo:Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] [[zh:克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯·德基什内尔]] [[zh-yue:克里斯蒂娜]]'
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