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'Капсула (лекарственная форма)'
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'Капсула (лекарственная форма)'
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'{{Значения|Капсула}} '''Капсула''' (от {{lang-la|Capsule}}) — дозированная [[лекарственная форма]], состоящая из ''твердой'' или ''мягкой'' [[желатин]]овой оболочки (ранее — крахмальной [[облатка (капсула)|облатки]]), содержащей одно или несколько активных действующих веществ, с добавлением или без вспомогательных веществ. == Виды капсул == Среди капсул различают: * твердые * мягкие * [[микрокапсулы]] * [[желудочно-резистентные капсулы]] (кишечно-растворимые) * спансулы [[капсулы содержащие пеллеты]] === Мягкие капсулы === [[Файл:Codliveroilcapsules.jpg|thumb|left|Мягкие [[желатин]]овые капсулы с [[Рыбий жир|рыбим жиром]]]] '''Мягкие''' — цельные капсулы различной формы (шарообразной, яйцевидной, продолговатой и др.) с жидкими или пастообразными веществами. === Твёрдые капсулы === '''Твердые''' — капсулы цилиндрической формы с полусферическими концами, состоящие из двух частей, которые входят одна в другую, не образуя зазоров. [[Файл:Kapseln.JPG|thumb|Твёрдые желатиновые капсулы]] Типовые размеры твёрдых капсул: * № 000 * № 00 * № 0 * № 1 * № 2 * № 3 * № 4 * № 5 == Наполнение капсул == Капсулы могут быть наполнены: * [[порошок|порошками]] * [[гранулы|гранулами]] * [[микрокапсулы|микрокапсулами]] * [[пеллеты|пеллетами]] * [[таблетка]]ми * [[Экофемин вагинальные капсулы|живыми лиофилизированными бактериями]] == Упаковка == Капсулы обычно хранят во [[флакон]]ах или в [[конвалюта]]х. <!-- 1. Вставка из англовики для адаптации: In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, '''encapsulation''' refers to a range of techniques used to enclose medicines in a relatively stable shell, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally or be used as [[suppositories]]. The two main types of capsules are hard-shelled capsules, which are normally used for dry, powdered ingredients, and soft-shelled capsules, primarily used for oils and for active ingredients that are dissolved or suspended in [[oil]]. Both of these classes of capsule are made both from [[gelatine]] and from [[plant]]-based gelling substances like [[carrageenan]]s and modified forms of [[starch]] and [[cellulose]]. Since their inception, capsules have been viewed as the medium of more potent medicines than [[tablets]], which are more commonly associated with weaker [[Over-the-counter_drug|OTC]] drugs. For this reason, producers of drugs such as OTC analgesics wanting to emphasize the strength of their product developed the "caplet" or "capsule-shaped tablet" in order to tie this positive association to more efficiently-produced tablet pills. After the [[Tylenol_Crisis_of_1982|1982 Tylenol tampering murders]], capsules experienced a minor fall in popularity as tablets were seen as more resistant to tampering.<ref>{{cite news | last =Sims | first =Calvin | title = Despite "mystique" of capsules, many drugs work in other forms | work =New York Times | date =February 15, 1986 | url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9A0DE1D71F3BF936A25751C0A960948260 }}</ref> == Soft gel encapsulation == In [[1834]], Mothes and Dublanc were granted a patent for a method to produce a single-piece [[gelatin]] capsule that was sealed with a drop of gelatin solution. They used individual iron moulds for their process, filling the capsules individually with a medicine dropper. Later on, methods were developed that used sets of plates with pockets to form the capsules. Although some companies still use this method, the equipment is not produced commercially any more. All modern soft-gel encapsulation uses variations of a process developed by [[Robert Pauli Scherer|R.P. Scherer]] in [[1933]]. His brilliant innovation was to use a rotary die to produce the capsules, with the filling taking place by [[Blow molding#Injection Blow Molding|blow molding]]. This method reduced wastage, and was the first process to yield capsules with highly repeatable dosage. In [[1949]], the Lederle Laboratories division of the [[American Cyanamid|American Cyanamid Company]] developed the «Accogel» process, allowing powders to be accurately filled into soft gelatin capsules. == Two-part gel capsules == James Murdock patented the two-part telescoping gelatin capsule in [[London]] in [[1847]]<ref>{{cite encyclopedia | title = History of dosage forms and basic preparations | encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology | volume = 7 | pages = 304-306 | publisher = Informa Health Care | date = 1998 | id = ISBN 0824728068}}</ref>. Basically, the capsules are made in two parts by dipping metal rods in molten gelatin solution. The capsules are supplied as closed units to the pharmaceutical manufacturer. Before use, the two halves are separated, the capsule is filled with powder (either by placing a compressed slug of powder into one half of the capsule, or by filling one half of the capsule with loose powder) and the other half of the capsule is pressed on. The advantage of inserting a slug of compressed powder is that control of weight variation is better, but the machinery involved is more complex.<ref>{{cite book | author = Bill Bennett and Graham Cole | title = Pharmaceutical Production, an Engineering Guide | publisher = IChemE | date = 2003 | pages = 126-129 | id = ISBN 0852954409 }}</ref> == References == <references /> * {{cite book | author=L. Lachman, H.A. Lieberman, J.L. Kanig | title=The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy (3rd Ed.) | publisher=Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia | year=1986 | id=ISBN 0-8121-0977-5}} [[Category:Pharmaceutical industry]] --> == Литература == * Приложение 1 к Отраслевому стандарту ОСТ 91500.05.001-00 «Стандарты качества лекарственных средств. Основные положения.» {{перевести|en|Capsule (pharmacy)}} {{Лекарственные формы}} [[Категория:Лекарственные формы]] [[ar:حبة دوائية]] [[bn:ক্যাপসুল]] [[cs:Tobolka (léková forma)]] [[da:Kapsel (medicin)]] [[de:Kapsel (Medikament)]] [[en:Capsule (pharmacy)]] [[es:Cápsula (medicina)]] [[et:Kapsel (farmaatsia)]] [[fa:کپسول (دارو)]] [[fi:Kapseli]] [[fr:Gélule]] [[hr:Kapsula]] [[ja:カプセル剤]] [[lt:Kapsulė (vaistai)]] [[nl:Capsule (doseringsvorm)]] [[no:Kapsler]] [[pl:Kapsułka]] [[pt:Cápsula (medicamento)]] [[ro:Capsulă]] [[sv:Kapsel (beredningsform)]] [[uk:Капсули]] [[zh:膠囊劑]]'
Вики-текст новой страницы после правки (new_wikitext)
'{{Значения|Капсула}} '''Капсула''' (от {{lang-la|Capsule}}) — дозированная [[лекарственная форма]], состоящая из ''твердой'' или ''мягкой'' [[желатин]]овой оболочки (ранее — крахмальной [[облатка (капсула)|облатки]]), содержащей одно или несколько активных действующих веществ, с добавлением или без вспомогательных веществ. == История возникновения == Впервые желатиновые капсулы были предложены в 30-х годах прошлого столетия во Франции. Вначале они получили распространение только в аптечной практике. Однако постепенно и особенно за последние годы эта ЛФ стала очень перспективной благодаря: * высокой точности дозирования помещаемых в них лекарственных веществ; * лекарственные вещества защищены от воздействия света, воздуха, влаги; * исключается неприятный вкус и запах лекарственных веществ; * капсулы имеют хороший, внешний вид и легко проглатывается; * быстро набухают, растворяются и всасываются в желудочно-кишечном тракте, фармакологическое действие лекарственные вещества проявляется через 4 – 5 минут; * характеризуются высокой биологической доступностью. В желатиновых капсулах могут отпускаться все вещества, не вступающие во взаимодействие с глицерином и желатином и не растворяющие желатин. Консистенция капсул зависит от соотношения трех основных компонентов: желатина, глицерина и воды. Глицерин частично может заменяться другими пластификаторами – сорбитом, сахарным сиропом. == Виды капсул == Среди капсул различают: * твердые * мягкие * [[микрокапсулы]] * [[желудочно-резистентные капсулы]] (кишечно-растворимые) * спансулы [[капсулы содержащие пеллеты]] === Мягкие капсулы === [[Файл:Codliveroilcapsules.jpg|thumb|left|Мягкие [[желатин]]овые капсулы с [[Рыбий жир|рыбим жиром]]]] '''Мягкие''' — цельные капсулы различной формы (шарообразной, яйцевидной, продолговатой и др.) с жидкими или пастообразными веществами. === Твёрдые капсулы === '''Твердые''' — капсулы цилиндрической формы с полусферическими концами, состоящие из двух частей, которые входят одна в другую, не образуя зазоров. [[Файл:Kapseln.JPG|thumb|Твёрдые желатиновые капсулы]] Типовые размеры твёрдых капсул: * № 000 * № 00 * № 0 * № 1 * № 2 * № 3 * № 4 * № 5 == Наполнение капсул == Капсулы могут быть наполнены: * [[порошок|порошками]] * [[гранулы|гранулами]] * [[микрокапсулы|микрокапсулами]] * [[пеллеты|пеллетами]] * [[таблетка]]ми * [[Экофемин вагинальные капсулы|живыми лиофилизированными бактериями]] == Упаковка == Капсулы обычно хранят во [[флакон]]ах или в [[конвалюта]]х. <!-- 1. Вставка из англовики для адаптации: In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, '''encapsulation''' refers to a range of techniques used to enclose medicines in a relatively stable shell, allowing them to, for example, be taken orally or be used as [[suppositories]]. The two main types of capsules are hard-shelled capsules, which are normally used for dry, powdered ingredients, and soft-shelled capsules, primarily used for oils and for active ingredients that are dissolved or suspended in [[oil]]. Both of these classes of capsule are made both from [[gelatine]] and from [[plant]]-based gelling substances like [[carrageenan]]s and modified forms of [[starch]] and [[cellulose]]. Since their inception, capsules have been viewed as the medium of more potent medicines than [[tablets]], which are more commonly associated with weaker [[Over-the-counter_drug|OTC]] drugs. For this reason, producers of drugs such as OTC analgesics wanting to emphasize the strength of their product developed the "caplet" or "capsule-shaped tablet" in order to tie this positive association to more efficiently-produced tablet pills. After the [[Tylenol_Crisis_of_1982|1982 Tylenol tampering murders]], capsules experienced a minor fall in popularity as tablets were seen as more resistant to tampering.<ref>{{cite news | last =Sims | first =Calvin | title = Despite "mystique" of capsules, many drugs work in other forms | work =New York Times | date =February 15, 1986 | url = http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9A0DE1D71F3BF936A25751C0A960948260 }}</ref> == Soft gel encapsulation == In [[1834]], Mothes and Dublanc were granted a patent for a method to produce a single-piece [[gelatin]] capsule that was sealed with a drop of gelatin solution. They used individual iron moulds for their process, filling the capsules individually with a medicine dropper. Later on, methods were developed that used sets of plates with pockets to form the capsules. Although some companies still use this method, the equipment is not produced commercially any more. All modern soft-gel encapsulation uses variations of a process developed by [[Robert Pauli Scherer|R.P. Scherer]] in [[1933]]. His brilliant innovation was to use a rotary die to produce the capsules, with the filling taking place by [[Blow molding#Injection Blow Molding|blow molding]]. This method reduced wastage, and was the first process to yield capsules with highly repeatable dosage. In [[1949]], the Lederle Laboratories division of the [[American Cyanamid|American Cyanamid Company]] developed the «Accogel» process, allowing powders to be accurately filled into soft gelatin capsules. == Two-part gel capsules == James Murdock patented the two-part telescoping gelatin capsule in [[London]] in [[1847]]<ref>{{cite encyclopedia | title = History of dosage forms and basic preparations | encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology | volume = 7 | pages = 304-306 | publisher = Informa Health Care | date = 1998 | id = ISBN 0824728068}}</ref>. Basically, the capsules are made in two parts by dipping metal rods in molten gelatin solution. The capsules are supplied as closed units to the pharmaceutical manufacturer. Before use, the two halves are separated, the capsule is filled with powder (either by placing a compressed slug of powder into one half of the capsule, or by filling one half of the capsule with loose powder) and the other half of the capsule is pressed on. The advantage of inserting a slug of compressed powder is that control of weight variation is better, but the machinery involved is more complex.<ref>{{cite book | author = Bill Bennett and Graham Cole | title = Pharmaceutical Production, an Engineering Guide | publisher = IChemE | date = 2003 | pages = 126-129 | id = ISBN 0852954409 }}</ref> == References == <references /> * {{cite book | author=L. Lachman, H.A. Lieberman, J.L. Kanig | title=The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy (3rd Ed.) | publisher=Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia | year=1986 | id=ISBN 0-8121-0977-5}} * [http://pharmpack.wordpress.com/%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%81%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8B-2/ Блог по желатиновым капсулам.] [[Category:Pharmaceutical industry]] --> == Литература == * Приложение 1 к Отраслевому стандарту ОСТ 91500.05.001-00 «Стандарты качества лекарственных средств. Основные положения.» {{перевести|en|Capsule (pharmacy)}} {{Лекарственные формы}} [[Категория:Лекарственные формы]] [[ar:حبة دوائية]] [[bn:ক্যাপসুল]] [[cs:Tobolka (léková forma)]] [[da:Kapsel (medicin)]] [[de:Kapsel (Medikament)]] [[en:Capsule (pharmacy)]] [[es:Cápsula (medicina)]] [[et:Kapsel (farmaatsia)]] [[fa:کپسول (دارو)]] [[fi:Kapseli]] [[fr:Gélule]] [[hr:Kapsula]] [[ja:カプセル剤]] [[lt:Kapsulė (vaistai)]] [[nl:Capsule (doseringsvorm)]] [[no:Kapsler]] [[pl:Kapsułka]] [[pt:Cápsula (medicamento)]] [[ro:Capsulă]] [[sv:Kapsel (beredningsform)]] [[uk:Капсули]] [[zh:膠囊劑]]'
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