Шаблон:Cite AV media notes

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{{Cite arXiv}} препринты arXiv
{{Cite AV media}} аудио- и визуальные медиа
{{Cite AV media notes}} аннотации AV-медиа
{{Cite bioRxiv}} препринты bioRxiv
{{Cite book}} книги и главы
{{Cite CiteSeerX}} документы CiteSeerX
{{cite document}} короткие, отдельные, автономные документы
{{Cite encyclopedia}} сборники под редакцией
{{Cite episode}} радио- или телевизионные эпизоды (серии)
{{Cite interview}} интервью
{{Cite journal}} академические журналы
{{Cite magazine}} журналы, периодические издания
{{Cite mailing list}} общедоступные списки рассылки
{{Cite map}} карты
{{Cite news}} новостные статьи
{{Cite newsgroup}} онлайн-группы новостей
{{Cite podcast}} подкасты
{{Cite press release}} пресс-релизы
{{Cite report}} отчёты
{{Cite serial}} аудио- или видеосериалы
{{Cite sign}} вывески, таблички
{{Cite speech}} выступления
{{Cite SSRN}} документы SSRN
{{Cite tech report}} технические отчёты
{{Cite thesis}} диссертации
{{Cite medRxiv}} препринты medRxiv
{{Cite web}} веб-источники, не охваченные вышеперечисленным

Этот шаблон цитирования CS1 используется для создания ссылок на печатные аннотации из альбомов, DVD, компакт-дисков и аналогичных аудиовизуальных носителей.


[править код]

Скопируйте один из образцов, данных ниже, для использования. Учтите:

  1. Все параметры должны быть указаны в нижнем регистре;
  2. Используйте вертикальную черту для размежевания параметров;
  3. Удаляйте пустые параметры во избежание возможного беспорядка в окне редактирования.
Рекомендуемый вариант
{{cite album-notes |title= |albumlink= |artist= |year= |chapter= |url= |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |page= |pages= |format= |publisher= |publisherid= |location= |ref= }}
Vertical list Prerequisites *
{{cite album-notes
| title       = 
| albumlink   =
| artist      =
| bandname    = 
| year        = 
| chapter  = 
| url         = 
| first       = 
| last        = 
| authorlink  =
| coauthors   = 
| page        =
| pages       = 
| at          =
| format      = 
| publisher   = 
| publisherid = 
| location    = 
| ref         =
* If a field name is listed in the Prerequisites column it is a prerequisite for the field to the left. For example publisher is a prerequisite to location meaning location will NOT be displayed even if it has a value unless publisher also has a value.

Описание параметров

[править код]


[править код]

Nested fields either rely on their parent fields, or replace them:

  • parent
    • child — may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)
    • alternative — may be used in place of parent


[править код]
  • title: The title of the album. This is the only required field. Do not wikilink (and do not italicize, as this has been done for you).
    • albumlink: The name of the Wikipedia article about the album, if one exists. Do not wikilink.
  • artist: The name of the artist or band, or Various artists if applicable. Please wikilink if the citation is being used on a page that is not the artist or band’s article. |bandname= is a deprecated synonym for |artist=.
  • year: The copyright year of the album. Do not wikilink.
  • url: The full URL (internet address) of the notes if they are available online.
  • chapter: The title of the notes, if different from the title of the album.
  • last: The last name of the author of the notes, if different from the artist. Don’t wikilink (use authorlink instead).
    • first: The first name of the author of the notes.
    • authorlink: Title of Wikipedia article about author. Article should already exist. Must not be wikilinked itself. Do not use this on its own, but along with «first» and «last».
    • coauthors: Full name of additional author or authors, separated by ", " (e.g. Joe Bloggs, John F. Kennedy, H. R. Dent).
  • page: Page number if a multi-page document and referencing a single page. «page=5» produces p. 5.
    • or pages: Page numbers if a multi-page document and referencing more than one page. «pages=5-7» produces pp. 5-7. This is for listing the pages relevant to the citation, not a total number of pages. Do not include the «p.» or «pp.» prefix.
    • or at: The name of a page for cases like «back cover», etc. The template will not add a «p.» or «pp.» prefix.
  • format: How the notes are presented (booklet, book, insert, back cover, cover, liner, etc) and for what type of medium the album is presented in (CD, DVD, Vinyl). Example: CD liner or Vinyl back cover.
  • publisher: The record label. You may wikilink if the record label has an article.
    • publisherid: The catalog number from the publisher for the album release that corresponds to the notes.
    • location: The location of the publisher to the smallest geographical unit known (city, state, country). You may wikilink.
  • ref: ID for anchor. By default, no anchor is generated. The ordinary nonempty value |ref=ID generates an anchor with the given ID; such a linkable reference can be made the target of wikilinks to full references, especially useful in short citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. The special value |ref=harv generates an anchor suitable for the {{harv}} template; see anchors for Harvard referencing templates. See «Wikilinks to full references» in Examples below for using the ref field in citation templates in conjunction with short <ref>...</ref> citations.
Notes for Harvard references
  1. If you specify |ref=harv, you must also specify an author surname using |last=surname.
  2. This template supports only a single author, and so |ref=harv will only work for a single author: {{harv|Smith|2009}} will work, but {{harv|Smith|Jones|2009}} will not.
Description and Code Result
{{cite album-notes |title=Album Title |albumlink=Album |artist=Artist |year=Year |chapter=Notes Title |url=http://www.wikipedia.org |first=First |last=Last |page=1 |format=Format |publisher=Publisher |publisherid=Publisher ID |location=Location }}
Last, First (Year). "Notes Title". Album Title (Format) (Media notes). Location: Publisher. p. 0. {{cite AV media notes}}: Проверьте значение даты: |year= (справка); Неизвестный параметр |albumlink= игнорируется (справка); Неизвестный параметр |artist= игнорируется (|others= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |publisherid= игнорируется (справка)Википедия:Обслуживание CS1 (year) (ссылка)
Basic example
{{cite album-notes |title=New Moon |albumlink=New Moon (Elliott Smith album) |artist=[[Elliott Smith]] |year=2007 |first=John |last=Doe |page=4 |format=booklet |publisher=[[Kill Rock Stars]] |publisherid=KRS455 |location=[[Olympia, Washington|Olympia, WA]] }}
New Moon (Media notes). Olympia, WA: Kill Rock Stars. 2007. p. 4. {{cite AV media notes}}: |format= требует |url= (справка); Неизвестный параметр |albumlink= игнорируется (справка); Неизвестный параметр |artist= игнорируется (|others= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |publisherid= игнорируется (справка)
Example with author
{{cite album-notes |title=Anthology 1 |albumlink=Anthology 1 |artist=[[The Beatles]] |year=1994 |first=Mark |last=Lewisohn |authorlink=Mark Lewisohn |page=2 |format=booklet |publisher=[[Apple Records]] |publisherid=34448 |location=London }}
Lewisohn, Mark (1994). Anthology 1 (Media notes). London: Apple Records. p. 2. {{cite AV media notes}}: |format= требует |url= (справка); Неизвестный параметр |albumlink= игнорируется (справка); Неизвестный параметр |artist= игнорируется (|others= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |publisherid= игнорируется (справка)
Example with notes title
{{cite album-notes |title=Anthology 1 |albumlink=Anthology 1 |artist=[[The Beatles]] |year=1994 |chapter=Making Anthology 1 |url=http://www.wikipedia.org |first=Mark |last=Lewisohn |authorlink=Mark Lewisohn |page=2 |format=booklet |publisher=[[Apple Records]] |publisherid=34448 |location=London }}
Lewisohn, Mark (1994). "Making Anthology 1". Anthology 1 (booklet) (Media notes). London: Apple Records. p. 2. {{cite AV media notes}}: Неизвестный параметр |albumlink= игнорируется (справка); Неизвестный параметр |artist= игнорируется (|others= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |publisherid= игнорируется (справка)
Example with coauthor
{{cite album-notes |title=Anthology 1 |albumlink=Anthology 1 |artist=[[The Beatles]] |year=1994 |first=Mark |last=Lewisohn |authorlink=Mark Lewisohn |coauthors=[[George Martin|Martin, George]] |page=2 |format=booklet |publisher=[[Apple Records]] |publisherid=34448 |location=London }}
Lewisohn, Mark (1994). Anthology 1 (Media notes). London: Apple Records. p. 2. {{cite AV media notes}}: |format= требует |url= (справка); Неизвестный параметр |albumlink= игнорируется (справка); Неизвестный параметр |artist= игнорируется (|others= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |coauthors= игнорируется (|author= предлагается) (справка); Неизвестный параметр |publisherid= игнорируется (справка)


[править код]
Здесь приведена документация в формате TemplateData для данного шаблона, которая используется в TemplateWizard, визуальном редакторе и прочих инструментах. Смотрите ежемесячный отчет об использовании параметров этого шаблона в статьях.

This template formats a citation for print liner notes from albums, DVDs, CDs and similar audio-visual media.

Параметры шаблона[Править данные шаблона]

Шаблон использует собственное форматирование параметров.

Last namelast last1 author author1 author1-last author-last surname1 author-last1 subject1 surname author-last host subject

The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link' instead

First namefirst given author-first first1 given1 author-first1 author1-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link' instead

Title of sourcetitle

Title of the notes; not necessarily the same as the title of the media.

Строковый (без форматирования)обязательный
Date of sourcedate

Full date of source being referenced; do not wikilink; use YYYY-MM-DD or other acceptable formats

URL of sourceurl

URL of an online location where the source can be found.

Строковый (без форматирования)предложенный
Year of publicationyear

Year of the source being referenced; recommended only when date parameter format is YYYY-MM-DD and a CITEREF disambiguator is needed

Last name 2last2 author2 surname2 author-last2 author2-last subject2

The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link2' instead.

First name 2first2 given2 author-first2 author2-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink.

Last name 3last3 author3 surname3 author-last3 author3-last subject3

The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link3' instead.

First name 3first3 given3 author-first3 author3-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink.

Last name 4last4 author4 surname4 author-last4 author4-last subject4

The surname of the fourth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link4' instead.

First name 4first4 given4 author-first4 author4-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 5last5 author5 surname5

The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link5' instead.

First name 5first5 given5

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 6last6 author6 surname6

The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link6' instead.

First name 6first6

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 7last7 author7 surname7

The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link7' instead.

First name 7first7 given7

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink.

Last name 8last8 author8 surname8

The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link8' instead.

First name 8first8 given8

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink.

Last name 9last9 author9 surname9

The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link9' instead.

First name 9first9 given9

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink.

Author linkauthor-link author-link1 author1-link subject-link subject-link1 subject1-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 2author-link2 author2-link subject-link2 subject2-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 3author-link3 author3-link subject-link3 subject3-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 4author-link4 author4-link subject-link4 subject4-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 5author-link5 author5-link subject-link5 subject5-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 6author-link6 author6-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 7author-link7 author7-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 8author-link8 author8-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Author link 9author-link9 author9-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth author.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Archive URLarchive-url

The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archive-date'


Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'


Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'


May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient

Chapterchapter contribution entry article section

The chapter heading of the source. For the contribution alias, see contributor-last

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный

Free-text field for people involved in creating a work who cannot be added with another name parameter such as author or editor

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный
Publisherpublisher institution

Name of the publisher; displays after title

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный

The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the ISO 639 language code (preferred) or the full language name; do not use icons or templates

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный

A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable


Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation

Содержимое (контент)необязательный

An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv and sfn templates

URL access dateaccess-date

The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink

Archive datearchive-date

Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink

URL statusurl-status

The status of the URL- live, dead, usurped/unfit (inappropriate content) or deviated (different content)

Предлагаемые значения
live dead usurped unfit deviated
Title linktitle-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the source named in title – do not use a web address; do not wikilink.

Имя страницынеобязательный
Citation Stylemode

Sets element separator, default terminal punctuation, and certain capitalization according to the value provided. For cs1, element separator and terminal punctuation is a period (.); where appropriate, initial letters of certain words are capitalized ('Retrieved...'). For cs2, element separator is a comma (,); terminal punctuation is omitted; where appropriate, initial letters of certain words are not capitalized ('retrieved...'). These styles correspond to Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2 respectively. To override default terminal punctuation use the postscript parameter.

Предлагаемые значения
cs1 cs2
По умолчанию
Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный

Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case

Строковый (без форматирования)необязательный