English: Papilio demoleus, is a common and widespread swallowtail butterfly. Common names include Common Lime Butterfly, Lemon Butterfly, Lime Swallowtail, Small Citrus Butterfly, Chequered Swallowtail, Dingy Swallowtail, and Citrus Swallowtail.
It gets its common names from its host plants, which are usually citrus species such as the cultivated lime. Unlike most swallowtail butterflies, it does not have a prominent tail. The butterfly is a pest and invasive species from the Old World which has spread to the Caribbean and Central America.
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English: Papilio demoleus, the Common Lime Butterfly, is a common and widespread Swallowtail butterfly. It gets its name from its host plants which are usually citrus species such as the cultivated lime. Taken at Kudayathoor, Kerala, India.
Français : Un Voilier Échiquier (Papilio demoleus) photographié à Kudayathoor, Kerala, Inde.
Nederlands: De dagvlinder Papilio demoleus is een veel voorkomende en wijdverspreide vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae), genomen in Kudayathoor in India.
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