Обсуждение:Рогволод Борисович

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Should his name not be Рогволод Рогволодович or Василий Борисович. It seems strange to use his baptismal name for his father and not for himself.

Afil (обс.) 02:23, 4 февраля 2018 (UTC)[ответить]

  • This depends on whether there was Рогволод-Борис Всеславич or as F. Uspenskiy suggests there were two different princes Рогволод Всеславич and Борис Всеславич. And even if they were the same person, the name Рогволод Борисович comes from historical sources and is used in historical literature. Shurenkov Grigorii (обс.) 20:57, 4 февраля 2018 (UTC)[ответить]