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сравнить черновики N1516 и N1570[править код]

Между этими черновиками был еще один - N1539

Различия между N1516 и N1539[править код]

Они, по сути, ничем не отличаются, в основном, примечаниями и уточнениями:

  • Добавлен один комментарий в разделе Floating constants на странице 66:

75) 1.23, 1.230, 123e-2, 123e-02, and 1.23L are all different source forms and thus need not convert to the same internal format and value.

  • Уточнены ограничения в разделе Simple assignment на странице 102:
Было Стало

One of the following shall hold:111)

  • the left operand has qualified or unqualified arithmetic type and the right has arithmetic type;
  • the left operand has a qualified or unqualified version of a structure or union type compatible with the type of the right;
  • both operands are pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types, and the type pointed to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to by the right;
  • one operand is a pointer to an object type and the other is a pointer to a qualified or unqualified version of void, and the type pointed to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to by the right;
  • the left operand is a pointer and the right is a null pointer constant; or
  • the left operand has type _Bool and the right is a pointer.

One of the following shall hold:112)

  • the left operand has atomic, qualified, or unqualified arithmetic type, and the right has arithmetic type;
  • the left operand has an atomic, qualified, or unqualified version of a structure or union type compatible with the type of the right;
  • the left operand has atomic, qualified, or unqualified pointer type, and (considering the type the left operand would have after lvalue conversion) both operands are pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types, and the type pointed to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to by the right;
  • the left operand has atomic, qualified, or unqualified pointer type, and (considering the type the left operand would have after lvalue conversion) one operand is a pointer to an object type, and the other is a pointer to a qualified or unqualified version of void, and the type pointed to by the left has all the qualifiers of the type pointed to by the right;
  • the left operand is an atomic, qualified, or unqualified pointer, and the right is a null pointer constant; or
  • the left operand has type atomic, qualified, or unqualified _Bool, and the right is a pointer.
  • Из раздела 6.7.2 Type specifiers, стр. 109 убрали _Atomic, под него выделили специальный раздел ;
  • Приложение G о совместимости со стандартом IEC 60559 о комплексной арифметике е стало нормативным;
  • прочие мелкие поправки, важные разработчикам компиляторов.

Различия между N1539 и N1570[править код]

скоро допишу leha-bot 20:15, 28 июля 2012 (UTC)[ответить]

  • Увеличили пояснение на полстраницы к пункту Compound statement и правильно сделали;
  • Уточнили множество разных пояснений, связанных с atomic-значениями и новыми добавленными возможностями;
  • прочие мелкие поправки, связанные с уточнением непонятных вещей.

По этой причине я изменю хотя бы дату в шаблоне на дату последнего публичного черновика. leha-bot 15:26, 27 февраля 2013 (UTC)[ответить]