Рорем, Нед

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Нед Рорем
англ. Ned Rorem
Основная информация
Дата рождения 23 октября 1923(1923-10-23)[1][2][…]
Место рождения
Дата смерти 18 ноября 2022(2022-11-18)[3] (99 лет)
Место смерти
Профессии композитор, автор дневника, писатель, преподаватель университета, актёр
Жанры опера и симфония
кавалер ордена Искусств и литературы стипендия Гуггенхайма Римская премия[вд] Пулитцеровская премия за музыкальное произведение (1976) премия Американской академии искусств и литературы в области музыки[вд] (1968)
nedrorem.net (англ.)
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Нед Рорем (англ. Ned Rorem; 23 октября 1923[1][2][…], Ричмонд, Индиана — 18 ноября 2022[3], Манхэттен, Нью-Йорк[4]) — американский композитор.

Учился в Чикагском университете, Американской консерватории и Северо-западном университете, затем — в Кёртисовском институте и, наконец, в Джульярдской школе.

В 19491957 годах жил в Марокко и в Париже. Во Франции учился у Онеггера, познакомился с Пуленком, Ориком, Надей Буланже, Жаном Кокто. В дальнейшем публиковал статьи о музыке, где критически высказывался о музыкальном авангарде (П. Булез), а также дневники, в которых откровенно описывал свои гомосексуальные отношения с Л. Бернстайном, Н. Кауардом, С. Барбером, В. Томсоном и др.

Среди его учеников — Дэрон Хаген.

Музыкальные сочинения

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  • A Childhood Miracle (1951)
  • The Robbers (1956)
  • Miss Julie (1965)
  • Hearing (1966-76)
  • Bertha (1968)
  • The Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters (1968)
  • Fables, пять опер на стихи Лафонтена (1971):
    • The Animals Sick of the Plague
    • The Bird Wounded by an Arrow
    • The Fox and the Grapes
    • The Lion in Love
    • The Sun and the Frogs
  • Our Town (2005)
  • Symphony No. 1 (1950)
  • Symphony No. 2 (1956)
  • Symphony No. 3 (1958)

Сочинения для оркестра

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  • Piano Concerto No. 1 (1948), for piano & orchestra
  • From an Unknown Past (1950), for voice & orchestra
  • Symphony No. 1 (1950)
  • Piano Concerto No. 2 (1951), for piano & orchestra
  • Design (1953)
  • Poemes pour la paix (1953/56), for voice & string orchestra
  • Symphony No. 2 (1956)
  • Sinfonia (1957), for orchestral winds with optional timpani, percussion and piano/celeste
  • Eagles (1958)
  • Pilgrims (1958), for string orchestra
  • Symphony No. 3 (1958)
  • Ideas (1961), for chamber/youth orchestra
  • Lions (A Dream) (1963), for jazz quartet & orchestra
  • Sun (1966), for high voice & orchestra
  • Water Music (1966), for clarinet, violin & orchestra
  • Piano Concerto No. 3 (1969), for piano & orchestra
  • Air Music (1974)
  • Assembly and Fall (1975), for oboe, trumpet, timpani, viola & orchestra
  • A Quaker Reader (1976/88), for chamber orchestra
  • Sunday Morning (1977)
  • Remembering Tommy (1979), for piano, cello & orchestra
  • After Long Silence (1982), for voice, oboe & strings
  • Violin Concerto (1984), for violin & orchestra
  • Organ Concerto (1985), for organ & chamber orchestra
  • String Symphony (1985), for string orchestra
  • Frolic (1986)
  • The Schuyler Songs (1987), for soprano & orchestra
  • Fantasy and Polka (1989)
  • Swords and Plowshares (1990), for four solo voices & orchestra
  • Piano Concerto No. 4 (1991), for piano (left hand) & orchestra
  • Concerto for English Horn (1991-92), for english horn & orchestra
  • Triptych (1992), for chamber orchestra
  • More Than A Day (1995), for soprano/countertenor & chamber orchestra
  • Waiting (1996)
  • Double Concerto (1998), for violin, cello & orchestra
  • Cello Concerto (2002), for cello & orchestra
  • Flute Concerto (2002), for flute & orchestra
  • Mallet Concerto (2003), for percussion & orchestra
  • Eleven Songs for Susan (2007), for mezzo-soprano & chamber orchestra
  • Songs Old and New (2008), for soprano & orchestra

Камерные сочинения

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  • Concertino de Camera (1946), for harpsichord & small ensemble
  • Mountain Song (1948), for flute/oboe/violin/cello & piano
  • Dance Suite (1949), for two pianos
  • Sicilienne (1950), for two pianos
  • Violin Sonata (1954), for violin & piano
  • Eleven Studies for Eleven Players (1959-60), for large ensemble
  • Trio (1960), for flute, cello & piano
  • Lovers (1964), for harpsichord, oboe, cello & percussion
  • Day Music (1971), for violin & piano
  • Night Music (1972), for violin & piano
  • Solemn Prelude (1973), for eleven brass
  • Book of Hours (1975), for flute & harp
  • Romeo and Juliet (1977), for flute & guitar
  • Three Slow Pieces (1978), for cello & piano
  • Whales, Weep Not! (1978), for flute & piano
  • Winter Pages (1981), for clarinet, bassoon, violin, cello & piano
  • Picnic on the Marne (1983), for alto saxophone & piano
  • Dances (1984), for cello & piano
  • Septet Scenes from Childhood (1984-85), for oboe, horn, piano & string quartet
  • The End of Summer (1985), for violin, clarinet & piano
  • Bright Music (1987), for flute, two violins, cello & piano
  • Fanfare and Flourish (1988), for two trumpets, two trombones & organ
  • Diversions (1990), for brass quintet
  • Spring Music (1990), for piano trio
  • String Quartet No. 3 (1991)
  • Songs of Sadness (1994), for voice, guitar, cello & clarinet
  • String Quartet No. 4 (1994)
  • Six Variations (1995), for two pianos — four hands
  • Autumn Music (1996-97), for violin & piano
  • An Oboe Book (1999), for oboe & piano
  • Cries and Whispers (2000), for trumpet & piano
  • Nine Episodes for Four Players (2001), for clarinet, violin, cello & piano
  • United States — Seven Viewpoints (2001), for string quartet
  • Pas de Trois (2002), for oboe, violin & piano
  • The Unquestioned Answer (2002), for flute, two violins, cello & piano
  • Four Colours (2003), for clarinet & piano
  • Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (2004), for piano quartet
  • Four Prayers (2006), for flute & piano
  • Nocturne (2007), for double bass & piano
  • A Little Fantasy (2008), for cello & piano

Вокальные сочинения

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  • Two Poems of Edith Sitwell (1948), for medium-high voice & piano
  • Requiem (1948), for voice & piano
  • From an Unknown Past (1950), for voice & piano/orchestra
  • Cycle of Holy Songs (1951), for voice & piano
  • Flight for Heaven (1952), song-cycle for voice & piano
  • Four Dialogues (1953-54), for soprano, tenor & two pianos
  • Three Poems for Demetrios Capetanakis (1954), for voice & piano
  • Poems pour la paix (1953/56), for medium voice & strings
  • Five Poems of Walt Whitman (1957), for voice & piano
  • Two Poems of Theodore Roethke (1959) for voice & piano
  • King Midas (1961), cantata for voice(s) & piano
  • Four Poems of Tennyson (1963), for voice & piano
  • Poems of Love and the Rain (1963), song-cycle for mezzo-soprano & piano
  • Sun (1966), for high voice & orchestra
  • Some Trees (1968), for soprano, mezzo-soprano, bass-baritone & piano
  • War Scenes (1969), for medium-low voice & piano
  • Gloria (1970), for two solo voices & piano
  • Ariel (1971), for soprano, clarinet & piano
  • Last Poems of Wallace Stevens (1971-72), for voice, cello & piano
  • Serenade on Five English Poems (1975), for mezzo-soprano, violin, viola & piano
  • Women’s Voices (1975-76), for soprano & piano
  • Santa Fe Songs (1980), for baritone, string trio & piano
  • After Long Silence (1982), for soprano, oboe & strings
  • Three Calamus Poems (1982), for baritone & piano
  • The Schuyler Songs (1987), for soprano & orchestra
  • The Auden Poems (1989), for tenor & piano trio
  • Swords and Plowshares (1990), for solo voices & orchestra
  • My Sad Captains (1995), for soprano, alto, tenor, bass & piano
  • Evidence of Things Not Seen (1997), thirty-six songs for soprano, alto, tenor, baritone & piano
  • Another Sleep (2000), song-cycle for medium voice & piano
  • Two Sermons (2001), for voice, clarinet, violin, double bass & piano
  • Aftermath (2001-02), song-cycle for baritone, violin, cello & piano
  • Sound the Flute (2004), for high voice, recorder & piano
  • Eleven Songs for Susan (2007), for mezzo-soprano & chamber orchestra
  • Three Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay (2007), for voice & piano
  • Songs Old and New (2008), for soprano & orchestra
  • Four Sonnets of Shakespeare (2008), for tenor & piano

Избранные песни

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  • Alleluia (1946)
  • Spring and Fall (1946)
  • Spring (1947)
  • Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1947)
  • The Lordly Hudson (1947)
  • Echo’s Song (1948)
  • Little Elegy (1949)
  • Rain in Spring (1949)
  • Silver Swan (1949)
  • The Sleeping Palace (1949)
  • What If Some Little Pain (1949)
  • Julia’s Clothes (1950)
  • Lullaby of the Woman of the Mountain (1950)
  • To the Willow Tree (1950)
  • Love in a Life (1951)
  • O Do Not Love Too Long (1951)
  • The Call (1951)
  • The Nightingale (1951)
  • To a Young Girl (1951)
  • A Christmas Carol (1952)
  • Clouds (1953)
  • Cradle Song (1953)
  • For Susan (1953)
  • In a Gondola (1953)
  • Love (1953)
  • Ode (1953)
  • Pippa’s Song (1953)
  • Sally’s Smile (1953)
  • Song for a Girl (1953)
  • The Tulip Tree (1953)
  • The Midnight Sun (1953)
  • Early in the Morning (1954)
  • Youth, Day, Old Age and Night (1954)
  • I Am Rose (1955)
  • I Will Always Love You (1955)
  • See How They Love Me (1956)
  • What Sparks and Wiry Cries (1956)
  • Conversation (1957)
  • Gliding O’er All (1957)
  • Gods (1957)
  • Look Down, Fair Moon (1957)
  • O You to Whom I Often and Silently Come (1957)
  • Reconciliation (1957)
  • Sometimes With One I Love (1957)
  • Such Beauty as Hurts to Behold (1957)
  • To You (1957)
  • Visits to St. Elizabeth’s (1957)
  • I Strolled Across an Open Field (1959)
  • Memory (1959)
  • My Papa’s Waltz (1959)
  • Night Crow (1959)
  • Orchids (1959)
  • Root Cellar (1959)
  • Snake (1959)
  • The Waking (1959)
  • Do I love you more than a day? (1962)
  • Ask Me No More (1963)
  • Far-Far-Away (1963)
  • For Poulenc (1963)
  • Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal (1963)
  • The Sleeping Palace (1963)
  • That Shadow, My Likeness (1963)
  • To You (1970)
  • Trickle Drops (1970)
  • The Serpent (1972)
  • We Never Said Farewell (1975-76)
  • A Journey (1976)
  • Ferry me across the water (1978)
  • From When Cometh Song? (1978)
  • The Dance (1978)
  • Nantucket (1978-79)
  • Go, Lovely Rose (1979)
  • The Dancer (1979)
  • Up-Hill (1979)
  • Back to Life (1980) [accomp. double bass]
  • Sonnet (1980) [accomp. piano quartet]
  • The Sowers (1980) [accomp. piano quartet]
  • The Wintry Mind (1980)
  • Let’s Take a Walk (1981)
  • Anna la Bonne (1989)
  • Are You the New Person? (1989)
  • Full of Life Now (1989)
  • I Will Always Love You (1990)
  • A Dream of Nightingales (1992)
  • Their Lonely Betters (1992)
  • Somewhere… (1994)
  • Three Women (1994)
  • Remembrance of Things Past (1998)
  • Chromatic Fantasy (2001)
  • He Will Not Hear (2001)
  • I Never Knew (2001)
  • The End (2003)
  • While Sodom Was Occupied (2004)
  • The Stars Have Not Dealt (2007)
  • A Poison Tree (2007)
  • Death and the Young Man (2007)
  • Wild Nights (2007)

Хоровые сочинения

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  • The Seventieth Psalm (1943), for S.A.T.B. choir & wind ensemble
  • A Sermon on Miracles (1947), for soprano solo, unison choir & strings
  • Four Madrigals (1947), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Three Incantations from a Marionette Tale (1948), for unison choir & piano
  • From an Unknown Past (1950), for S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • I Feel Death… (1953), for three-part a cappella male choir
  • The Poets' Requiem (1954-55), soprano solo, S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • All Glorious God (1955), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love (1955), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Miracles of Christmas (1959), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Prayers and Responses (1960), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Virelai (1961), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Two Psalms and a Proverb (1962), for S.A.T.B. choir & string quartet
  • Lift up your Heads (The Ascension) (1963), for S.A.T.B. choir, eight wind, nine brass & timpani
  • Laudemus Tempus Actum (1964), for S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • Letters from Paris (1966), for S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (1966), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Proper for the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit (1966), for unison choir & organ
  • Truth in the Night Season (1966), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • He Shall Rule from Sea to Sea (1967), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Praises for the Nativity (1970), for soprano, alto, tenor & bass soli, S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Canticle of the Lamb (1971), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Canticles: Sets 1 & 2 (1971-72), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Four Hymns (1973), for S.A.T.B. choir & keyboard
  • In Time of Pestilence (1973), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Little Prayers (1973), for soprano & baritone soli, S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • Missa Brevis (1973), for soprano, alto, tenor & bass soli, & S.A.T.B. choir
  • Prayer to Jesus (1973), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Three Motets (1973), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Three Prayers (1973), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Surge Illuminare (1977), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Three Choruses for Christmas (1978), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Give All to Love (1981), for two-part choir & piano
  • Little Lamb, Who Made Thee? (1982), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Praise the Lord, O My Soul (1982), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • An American Oratorio (1983), for tenor solo, S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • Mercy and Truth Are Met (1983), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Whitman Cantata (1983), for S.A.T.B. choir, brass ensemble & timpani
  • Pilgrim Strangers (1984), for six a cappella male voices
  • Before the Morning Star (1986), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Homer (1986), for S.A.T.B. choir & ensemble
  • Seven Motets for the Church Year (1986), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Three Poems of Baudelaire (1986), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Te Deum (1986-87), for S.A.T.B. choir, two trumpets, two trombones & organ
  • Five Armenian Love Songs (1987), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • The Death of Moses (1987), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • What is Pink? (1987), for treble choir & piano
  • Goodbye My Fancy (1988), for alto & baritone soli, S.A.T.B. choir & orchestra
  • Lead Kindly Light (1988), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Breathe On Me (1989), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Love Alone (1989), for male-voice choir & piano duet
  • Christ is made the sure foundation (1992), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Festival Alleluia (1992), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • O God, My Heart is Ready (1992), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Spirit Divine (1992), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Present Laughter (1993), for S.A.T.B. choir, brass quintet & piano
  • How Lovely is your Dwelling Place (1994), for S.A.T.B. choir & piano/organ
  • Exaltabo Te, Domine (1995), for S.A.T.B. choir & keyboard
  • Four Introits (1999), for S.A.T.B. choir & keyboard
  • We Are the Music Makers (2003), for S.A.T.B. choir & piano
  • A Song of Hosea (2005), for S.A.T.B. choir & organ
  • Four Sonnets (2005), for S.A.T.B. choir & piano
  • Ode to Man (2005), for a cappella S.A.T.B. choir
  • Afternoon on a Hill (2006), for two-part children’s choir & piano
  • Two Shakespearean Poems (2008), for S.A.T.B. choir & piano

Сочинения для инструментов соло

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  • Fantasy and Toccata (1946), for organ
  • Sonata No. 1 (1948), for piano
  • A Quiet Afternoon (1948), for piano
  • Barcarolles (1949), for piano
  • Pastorale (1949), for organ
  • Sonata No. 2 (1949), for piano
  • Spiders (1968), for harpsichord
  • Eight Etudes (1975), for piano
  • A Quaker Reader (1976), for organ
  • Sky Music (1976), for harp
  • After Reading Shakespeare (1980), for cello
  • Suite (1980), for guitar
  • Views from the Oldest House (1981), for organ
  • Song and Dance (1986), for piano
  • For Shirley (1989), for piano duet
  • Organbook I. (1989), for organ
  • Organbook II. (1989), for organ
  • Organbook III. (1989), for organ
  • Six Pieces (1997), for organ
  • 99 Notes for the Millenium (1999), for piano
  • For Ben (1999), for piano
  • Recalling (2003), for piano
  • For Barbara (2006), for piano
  • For Don (2006), for piano
  • For Marian (2006), for piano
  • For Mary (2006), for piano
  • For Rosemary (2006), for piano
  • 75 Notes for Jerry (2007), for piano

Эссе, дневники, письма

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  • The New York diary of Ned Rorem. — N. Y.: G. Braziller, 1967.
  • The final diary, 1961—1972. 1st ed. — N. Y.: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1974.
  • Paris and New York diaries of Ned Rorem, 1951—1961. — San Francisco: North Point Press, 1983.
  • Setting the tone: essays and a diary. — N. Y.: Coward-McCann, 1983.
  • The Nantucket diary of Ned Rorem, 1973—1985. — San Francisco: North Point Press, 1987.
  • A Ned Rorem reader. New Haven: Yale UP, 2001.
  • Wings of friendship: the letters of Ned Rorem. — Washington: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2005.
  • Facing the night: a diary (1999—2005) and musical writings. — Emeryville: Shoemaker & Hoard, 2006.


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  1. 1 2 Ned Rorem // Internet Broadway Database (англ.) — 2000.
  2. 1 2 Ned Rorem // Babelio (фр.) — 2007.
  3. 1 2 Page T. Ned Rorem, Pulitzer-winning composer and noted diarist, dies at 99 (англ.) // The Washington Weekly Post / M. Murray — Washington, D.C.: Fred Ryan, 2022. — ISSN 0190-8286; 2641-9599
  4. 1 2 https://fr.findagrave.com/memorial/245751566/ned-rorem


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  • McDonald A. L. Ned Rorem: a bio-bibliography. — N. Y.: Greenwood Press, 1989.